ICalendar.Recurrence (ICalendar v1.1.2) View Source

Adds support for recurring events.

Events can recur by frequency, count, interval, and/or start/end date. To see the specific rules and examples, see add_recurring_events/2 below.

Credit to @fazibear for this module.

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Given an event, return a stream of recurrences for that event.

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get_recurrences(event, end_date \\ DateTime.utc_now())

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    attendees: term(),
    categories: term(),
    class: term(),
    comment: term(),
    description: term(),
    dtend: term(),
    dtstart: term(),
    exdates: term(),
    geo: term(),
    location: term(),
    modified: term(),
    organizer: term(),
    prodid: term(),
    rrule: term(),
    sequence: term(),
    status: term(),
    summary: term(),
    uid: term(),
    url: term()
    calendar: term(),
    day: term(),
    hour: term(),
    microsecond: term(),
    minute: term(),
    month: term(),
    second: term(),
    std_offset: term(),
    time_zone: term(),
    utc_offset: term(),
    year: term(),
    zone_abbr: term()
) :: %Stream{accs: term(), done: term(), enum: term(), funs: term()}

Given an event, return a stream of recurrences for that event.

Warning: this may create a very large sequence of event recurrences.


  • event: The event that may contain an rrule. See ICalendar.Event.

  • end_date (optional): A date time that represents the fallback end date for a recurring event. This value is only used when the options specified in rrule result in an infinite recurrance (ie. when neither count nor until is set). If no end_date is set, it will default to DateTime.utc_now().

Event rrule options

Event recurrance details are specified in the rrule. The following options are considered:

  • freq: Represents how frequently the event recurs. Allowed frequencies are DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY. These can be further modified by the interval option.

  • count (optional): Represents the number of times that an event will recur. This takes precedence over the end_date parameter and the until option.

  • interval (optional): Represents the interval at which events occur. This option works in concert with freq above; by using the interval option, an event could recur every 5 days or every 3 weeks.

  • until (optional): Represents the end date for a recurring event. This takes precedence over the end_date parameter.

  • byday (optional): Represents the days of the week at which events occur.

The freq option is required for a valid rrule, but the others are optional. They may be used either individually (ex. just freq) or in concert (ex. freq + interval + until).

Future rrule options (not yet supported)

  • byhour (optional): Represents the hours of the day at which events occur.
  • byweekno (optional): Represents the week number at which events occur.
  • bymonthday (optional): Represents the days of the month at which events occur.
  • bymonth (optional): Represents the months at which events occur.
  • byyearday (optional): Represents the days of the year at which events occur.


iex> dt = Timex.Date.from({2016,8,13})
iex> dt_end = Timex.Date.from({2016, 8, 23})
iex> event = %ICalendar.Event{rrule:%{freq: "DAILY"}, dtstart: dt, dtend: dt}
iex> recurrences =
      |> Enum.to_list()