ICalendar.Util.Deserialize (ICalendar v1.1.2) View Source

Deserialize ICalendar Strings into Event structs.

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This function should strip any sanitization that has been applied to content within an iCal string.

This function builds an rrule struct.

This function extracts the key and value parts from each line of a iCalendar string.

This function extracts parameter data from a key in an iCalendar string.

This function is designed to parse iCal datetime strings into erlang dates.

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This function should strip any sanitization that has been applied to content within an iCal string.

iex> ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.desanitized(~s(lorem\\, ipsum))
"lorem, ipsum"

This function builds an rrule struct.


will get turned into:

  byday: ["TH", "WE"],
  freq: "WEEKLY",
  bysetpos: [-1],
  interval: 2,
  until: ~U[2020-12-04 04:59:59Z]

This function extracts the key and value parts from each line of a iCalendar string.

iex> ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.retrieve_kvs("lorem:ipsum")
%ICalendar.Property{key: "LOREM", params: %{}, value: "ipsum"}

This function extracts parameter data from a key in an iCalendar string.

iex> ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.retrieve_params(
...>   "DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago")
["DTSTART", %{"TZID" => "America/Chicago"}]

It should be able to handle multiple parameters per key:

iex> ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.retrieve_params(
...>   "KEY;LOREM=ipsum;DOLOR=sit")
["KEY", %{"LOREM" => "ipsum", "DOLOR" => "sit"}]
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to_date(date_string, map)

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This function is designed to parse iCal datetime strings into erlang dates.

It should be able to handle dates from the past:

iex> {:ok, date} = ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.to_date("19930407T153022Z")
...> Timex.to_erl(date)
{{1993, 4, 7}, {15, 30, 22}}

As well as the future:

iex> {:ok, date} = ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.to_date("39930407T153022Z")
...> Timex.to_erl(date)
{{3993, 4, 7}, {15, 30, 22}}

And should return error for incorrect dates:

iex> ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.to_date("1993/04/07")
{:error, "Expected `2 digit month` at line 1, column 5."}

It should handle timezones from the Olson Database:

iex> {:ok, date} = ICalendar.Util.Deserialize.to_date("19980119T020000",
...> %{"TZID" => "America/Chicago"})
...> [Timex.to_erl(date), date.time_zone]
[{{1998, 1, 19}, {2, 0, 0}}, "America/Chicago"]