View Source Igniter.Code.Common (igniter v0.5.21)

General purpose utilities for working with Sourceror.Zipper.



Adds the provided code to the zipper.

Expands the environment at the current zipper position and returns the expanded environment. Currently used for properly working with aliases.

Expands a literal value using the env at the cursor, if possible

Returns a list of zippers to each node that satisfies the predicate function, or an empty list if none are found.

Enters a block, and moves to the first child, or returns the zipper unmodified.

Enters a block with a single child, and moves to that child, or returns the zipper unmodified

Moves a zipper to the left.

Moves nextwards (depth-first), until the provided predicate returns true.

Moves a zipper to the right.

Moves to the first node that matches the predicate.

Matches and moves to the location of a __cursor__ in provided source code.

Moves to the cursor that matches the provided pattern or one of the provided patterns, in the current scope.

Moves to a do block for the current call.

Moves to the last node that matches the predicate.

Moves to the next node that matches the given pattern.

Moves to the next zipper that matches the predicate.

Moves a zipper upwards.

Moves to the last node before the node that matches the predicate, going upwards.

Returns true if the current node matches the given pattern.

Removes any nodes matching the provided pattern, until there are no matches left.

Removes all nodes matching the given predicate with the given function.

Replaces code with new code.

Moves the zipper all the way to the right, potentially entering a single value block.

Updates all nodes matching the given predicate with the given function.

Replaces full module names in new_code with any aliases for that module found in the current_code environment.

Runs the function fun on the subtree of the currently focused node and returns the updated zipper.


add_code(zipper, new_code, opts \\ [])

@spec add_code(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), String.t() | Macro.t(), [opt]) ::
when opt: {:placement, :after | :before} | {:expand_env?, boolean()}

Adds the provided code to the zipper.


  • :placement - :after | :before. Determines if the code goes :after or :before the current node. Defaults to :after.

  • :expand_env? - boolean. Whether or not to read the current file to use it's aliases for added code. Defaults to false.


existing_zipper = """
IO.inspect("Hello, world!")
|> Sourceror.parse_string!()

new_code = """
IO.inspect("Goodbye, world!")

|> Igniter.Common.add_code(new_code)
|> Sourceror.Zipper.root()
|> Sourceror.to_string()

Which will produce

IO.inspect("Hello, world!")
IO.inspect("Goodbye, world!")


Expands the environment at the current zipper position and returns the expanded environment. Currently used for properly working with aliases.


@spec expand_alias(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()


@spec expand_aliases(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()


@spec expand_literal(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: {:ok, any()} | :error

Expands a literal value using the env at the cursor, if possible


find_all(zipper, predicate)

@spec find_all(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), predicate :: (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::

Returns a list of zippers to each node that satisfies the predicate function, or an empty list if none are found.

The optional second parameters specifies the direction, defaults to :next.


@spec maybe_move_to_block(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()

Enters a block, and moves to the first child, or returns the zipper unmodified.


@spec maybe_move_to_single_child_block(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()

Enters a block with a single child, and moves to that child, or returns the zipper unmodified

move_left(zipper, pred_or_n)

@spec move_left(
  non_neg_integer() | (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())
) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves a zipper to the left.

If the second argument is a predicate function, it will be called on the zipper and then move leftwards until the predicate returns true. This function will automatically enter and exit blocks.

If the second argument is a non-negative integer, it will move left that many times if possible, returning :error otherwise.

move_next(zipper, pred)

@spec move_next(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves nextwards (depth-first), until the provided predicate returns true.

Returns :error if the end is reached without finding a match.

move_right(zipper, pred_or_n)

@spec move_right(
  non_neg_integer() | (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())
) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves a zipper to the right.

If the second argument is a predicate function, it will be called on the zipper and then move rightwards until the predicate returns true. This function will automatically enter and exit blocks.

If the second argument is a non-negative integer, it will move right that many times if possible, returning :error otherwise.

move_to(zipper, pred)

@spec move_to(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error
@spec move_to(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves to the first node that matches the predicate.

move_to_cursor(zipper, pattern)

@spec move_to_cursor(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), Sourceror.Zipper.t() | String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Matches and moves to the location of a __cursor__ in provided source code.

Use __cursor__() to match a cursor in the provided source code. Use __ to skip any code at a point.

For example:

zipper =
  if true do

pattern =
  if __ do

|> Igniter.Code.Common.move_to_cursor(pattern)
|> Zipper.node()
# => 10

move_to_cursor_match_in_scope(zipper, patterns)

@spec move_to_cursor_match_in_scope(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), String.t() | [String.t()]) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves to the cursor that matches the provided pattern or one of the provided patterns, in the current scope.

See move_to_cursor/2 for an example of a pattern


@spec move_to_do_block(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves to a do block for the current call.

For example, at a node like:

foo do

You would get a zipper back at 10.

move_to_last(zipper, pred)

@spec move_to_last(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves to the last node that matches the predicate.

Similar to move_to/2 but it doesn't stop at the first match, for example a zipper for the following code:

port = 4000
port = 4001

With a match for port = _ as {:=, _, [{:port, _, _}, _]}, will return the second port variable.

move_to_pattern(zipper, pattern)


Moves to the next node that matches the given pattern.

move_to_zipper(zipper, pred)

Moves to the next zipper that matches the predicate.

move_upwards(zipper, pred_or_n)

@spec move_upwards(
  non_neg_integer() | (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())
) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves a zipper upwards.

If the second argument is a predicate function, it will be called on the zipper and then move upwards until the predicate returns true.

If the second argument is a non-negative integer, it will move upwards that many times if possible, returning :error otherwise.

move_upwards_until(zipper, pred)

@spec move_upwards_until(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

Moves to the last node before the node that matches the predicate, going upwards.

node_matches_pattern?(zipper, pattern)


Returns true if the current node matches the given pattern.


list_zipper =
  "[1, 2, 3]"
  |> Sourceror.parse_string!()

Common.node_matches_pattern?(list_zipper, value when is_list(value)) # true

nodes_equal?(left, right)

@spec nodes_equal?(Sourceror.Zipper.t() | Macro.t(), Macro.t()) :: boolean()

nth_right(zipper, n)

This function is deprecated. Use `move_right/2` instead, passing an integer as the second argument..
@spec nth_right(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | :error

remove(zipper, pred)

Removes any nodes matching the provided pattern, until there are no matches left.

remove_all_matches(zipper, pred)

@spec remove_all_matches(
  (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())
) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()

Removes all nodes matching the given predicate with the given function.

Recurses until the predicate no longer returns false

replace_code(zipper, code)

Replaces code with new code.


@spec rightmost(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()

Moves the zipper all the way to the right, potentially entering a single value block.


@spec single_child_block?(Sourceror.Zipper.t()) :: boolean()

update_all_matches(zipper, pred, fun)

@spec update_all_matches(
  (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean()),
  (Sourceror.Zipper.t() ->
     {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t() | {:code, term()}} | {:warning | :error, term()})
) :: {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()} | {:warning | :error, term()}

Updates all nodes matching the given predicate with the given function.

Recurses until the predicate no longer returns false

use_aliases(new_code, current_code)

Replaces full module names in new_code with any aliases for that module found in the current_code environment.

within(top_zipper, fun)

Runs the function fun on the subtree of the currently focused node and returns the updated zipper.

fun must return {:ok, zipper} or :error, which may be positioned at the top of the subtree.