View Source Igniter.Project.Config (igniter v0.5.21)

Codemods and utilities for modifying Elixir config files.



Sets a config value in the given configuration file, updating it with updater if it is already set.

Sets a config value in the given configuration file, if it is not already set.

Returns true if the given configuration path is set somewhere after the provided zipper, or in the given configuration file.

If the last argument is key, checks if either config :root_key, :key, ... or config :root_key, key: ... is set.

Same as configures_root_key?/3 but accepts a Zipper instead.

Checks if either config :root_key, _ or config :root_key, _, _ is present in the provided config file.

Modifies elixir configuration code starting at the configured zipper.



@type after_predicate() :: (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> boolean())


@type updater() ::
  (Sourceror.Zipper.t() -> {:ok, Sourceror.Zipper.t()}) | :error | nil


configure(igniter, file_name, app_name, config_path, value, opts \\ [])

@spec configure(
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Igniter.t()

Sets a config value in the given configuration file, updating it with updater if it is already set.

If the value is source code, pass {:code, value}, otherwise pass just the value.

To produce this source code, we suggest using Sourceror.parse_string!. For example:

|> Igniter.Project.Config.configure(
  [:default, :args],
   ~w(--config=tailwind.config.js --input=css/app.css --output=../output/assets/app.css)


  • failure_message - A message to display to the user if the configuration change is unsuccessful.
  • updater - updater/0. A function that takes a zipper at a currently configured value and returns a new zipper with the value updated.
  • after - after_predicate/0. Moves to the last node that matches the predicate. Useful to guarantee a config is placed after a specific node.

configure_new(igniter, file_path, app_name, config_path, value, opts \\ [])

@spec configure_new(
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Igniter.t()

Sets a config value in the given configuration file, if it is not already set.

See configure/6 for more.


  • failure_message - A message to display to the user if the configuration change is unsuccessful.
  • after - after_predicate/0. Moves to the last node that matches the predicate.

configure_runtime_env(igniter, env, app_name, config_path, value, opts \\ [])

@spec configure_runtime_env(
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Igniter.t()

configures?(zipper, path, app_name)

This function is deprecated. Use configures_root_key?/2 or configures_key?/3 instead..
@spec configures?(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), [atom()], atom()) :: boolean()

configures?(igniter, config_file_name, path, app_name)

This function is deprecated. Use configures_root_key?/3 or configures_key?/4 instead..
@spec configures?(Igniter.t(), String.t(), [atom()], atom()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the given configuration path is set somewhere after the provided zipper, or in the given configuration file.

configures_key?(zipper, root_key, key_or_path)

@spec configures_key?(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), atom(), atom() | [atom()]) :: boolean()

Same as configures_key?/4 but accepts a Zipper.

configures_key?(igniter, config_file_name, root_key, key_or_path)

@spec configures_key?(
  atom() | [atom()]
) :: boolean()

If the last argument is key, checks if either config :root_key, :key, ... or config :root_key, key: ... is set.

If the last argument is a keyword path, checks if config :root_key, path_head, [...] defines path_rest or if config :root_key, [...] defines path, where path_head is the first element of path and path_rest are the remaining elements.

Note: config_file_name should not include the config/ prefix.

configures_root_key?(zipper, root_key)

@spec configures_root_key?(Sourceror.Zipper.t(), atom()) :: boolean()

Same as configures_root_key?/3 but accepts a Zipper instead.

configures_root_key?(igniter, config_file_name, root_key)

@spec configures_root_key?(Igniter.t(), String.t(), atom()) :: boolean()

Checks if either config :root_key, _ or config :root_key, _, _ is present in the provided config file.

Note: The config file name should not include the config/ prefix.

modify_configuration_code(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, opts \\ [])

@spec modify_configuration_code(
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Sourceror.Zipper.t()

Modifies elixir configuration code starting at the configured zipper.

If you want to set configuration, use configure/6 or configure_new/5 instead. This is a lower-level tool for modifying configuration files when you need to adjust some specific part of them.


  • updater - updater/0. A function that takes a zipper at a currently configured value and returns a new zipper with the value updated.
  • after - after_predicate/0. Moves to the last node that matches the predicate.