View SourceIgniter provides a mix task mix igniter.upgrade
that is a drop-in replacement for
mix deps.update
, but will run any associated upgrade
tasks for the packages that have changed.
Using Upgraders
In general, you can replace your usage of mix deps.update
with mix igniter.upgrade
. Packages that
don't use igniter will be updated as normal, and packages that do will have any associated upgraders run.
Writing Upgraders
To write an upgrader, your package should provide an igniter task called your_package.upgrade
. This task
will take two positional arguments, from
and to
, which are the old and new versions of the package.
While you are free to implement this logic however you like, we suggest using
mix igniter.gen.task your_package.upgrade --upgrade
, and following the patterns that are provided by the generated task.
Compile Compatibility
The new version of the package must be "compile compatible" with your existing code. For this reason,
we encourage library authors to make even major versions compile compatible with previous versions, but
this is not always possible. For those cases, we encourage library authors to provide a version prior
to their breaking changes that includs an upgrader to code that is compatible with the new version. This way,
you can at least instruct users to mix igniter.upgrade package@that.version
before upgrading to the latest
Path dependencies
We cannot determine the old version for path dependencies, so currently there is no way to use
them with mix igniter.upgrade
. We can potentially support this in the future with arguments
like --old-version-<dep-name> x.y.z
Upgrading in CI (i.e Dependabot)
The flag --git-ci
is provided to mix igniter.upgrade
to allow for CI integration. This flag
causes igniter to parse the previous versions from the mix.lock
file prior to the current pull request.
This limitation does mean that only hex dependencies can be upgraded in this way.
Here is an example set of github action steps that will run mix igniter.upgrade
and add a commit
for any upgrades.
This example setup does not trigger the github actions on your PR again. This is due to [intentional limitations of GITHUB_TOKEN]. You can see more here: https://github.com/stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action?tab=readme-ov-file#commits-made-by-this-action-do-not-trigger-new-workflow-runs It is possible to work around this with a "personal access token". If you come up with a nice way to make the commit trigger another workflow, please let us know 😊.
name: mix igniter.upgrade
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{inputs.igniter-upgrade}}
contents: write
- name: Dependabot metadata
id: dependabot-metadata
uses: dependabot/fetch-metadata@v2
if: github.event.pull_request.user.login == 'dependabot[bot]'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
# This uses a `.tool-version` file for languages
# Feel free to use whatever steps you want to set up elixir
# and run the `igniter.upgrade` mix task. Just use the same flags as shown.
- uses: team-alembic/staple-actions/actions/mix-task@main
task: igniter.upgrade --git-ci
- name: Commit Changes
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
if: github.event.pull_request.user.login == 'dependabot[bot]'
commit_message: "[dependabot skip] Apply Igniter Upgrades"
commit_user_name: dependabot[bot]