View Source mix igniter.upgrade (igniter v0.5.0)

Fetch and upgrade dependencies. A drop in replacement for mix deps.update that also runs upgrade tasks.

Updates dependencies via mix deps.update and then runs any upgrade tasks for any changed dependencies.

By default, this task updates to the latest versions allowed by the mix.exs file, just like mix deps.update.

To upgrade a package to a specific version, you can specify the version after the package name, separated by an @ symbol. This allows upgrading beyond what your mix.exs file currently specifies, i.e if you have ~> 1.0 in your mix.exs file, you can use mix igniter.upgrade package@2.0 to upgrade to version 2.0, which will update your mix.exs and run any equivalent upgraders.


The new version of the package must be "compile compatible" with your existing code. See the upgrades guide for more.


mix igniter.upgrade package1 package2@1.2.1


  • --yes or -y - Accept all changes automatically
  • --all or -a - Upgrades all dependencies
  • --only or -o - only fetches dependencies for given environment
  • --target or -t - only fetches dependencies for given target
  • --no-archives-check or -n - does not check archives before fetching deps
  • --git-ci or -g - Uses git history (HEAD~1) to check the previous versions in the lock file. See the upgrade guides for more. Sets --yes automatically.




Callback implementation for Igniter.Mix.Task.igniter/1.