The options necessary to initialize the client-side lustre app
pub type ClientAppBuilder(context, model, action) {
view: illustrious.View(model, action),
default_model: model,
updater: state.Updater(model, action),
decoder: state.Decoder(action),
ClientAppBuilder( view: illustrious.View(model, action), default_model: model, updater: state.Updater(model, action), decoder: state.Decoder(action), )
The function which takes in the application from the path and model, and renders the application
The initial application state before any baked data is processed
The function used to update application state based on the previous model and an action being performed
The function which transforms a JSON payload (in the form of initializer data or page loader data)
pub fn back() -> IllustriousAction(a)
Used to pop the latest route off the browser’s history stack (equivalent to hitting the back button in the browser).
pub fn build_app(
builder: ClientAppBuilder(a, b, c),
) -> App(d, IllustriousModel(b), IllustriousAction(c))
Initializes the client-side lustre app in the browser
pub fn forward() -> IllustriousAction(a)
Used to push the next route back onto the browser’s history stack (equivalent to hitting the forward button in the browser).
pub fn go_to(route: String) -> IllustriousAction(a)
Used to push a new route into the browser’s history stack.
pub fn perform(action: a) -> IllustriousAction(a)
Used to dispatch an action to your own internal state.