View Source KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.PartitionAssignment (kafka_ex v0.13.0)

Contains typespecs and reference algorithms for assigning partitions

round_robin/2 is used by KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup by default and should suffice in most cases.

For custom assignments, any function matching the callback/0 type spec can be used.

Link to this section Summary


A function that can assign partitions.

The ID (string) of a member of a consumer group, assigned by a Kafka broker.

A partition of a single topic (embeds the name of the topic).

The integer ID of a partition of a Kafka topic.

The string name of a Kafka topic.

Link to this section Types

@type callback() ::
  (members :: [member_id()], partitions :: [partition()] ->
     %{required(member_id()) => [partition()]})

A function that can assign partitions.

members is a list of member IDs and partitions is a list of partitions that need to be assigned to a group member.

The return value must be a map with member IDs as keys and a list of partition assignments as values. For each member ID in the returned map, the assigned partitions will become the assignments argument to KafkaEx.GenConsumer.Supervisor.start_link/4 in the corresponding member process. Any member that's omitted from the return value will not be assigned any partitions.



Given the following members and partitions to be assigned:

members = ["member1", "member2", "member3"]
partitions = [{"topic", 0}, {"topic", 1}, {"topic", 2}]

One possible assignment is as follows:

ExampleGenConsumer.assign_partitions(members, partitions)
#=> %{"member1" => [{"topic", 0}, {"topic", 2}], "member2" => [{"topic", 1}]}

In this case, the consumer group process for "member1" will launch two KafkaEx.GenConsumer processes (one for each of its assigned partitions), "member2" will launch one KafkaEx.GenConsumer process, and "member3" will launch no processes.

@type member_id() :: binary()

The ID (string) of a member of a consumer group, assigned by a Kafka broker.

@type partition() :: {topic(), partition_id()}

A partition of a single topic (embeds the name of the topic).

@type partition_id() :: integer()

The integer ID of a partition of a Kafka topic.

@type topic() :: binary()

The string name of a Kafka topic.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

round_robin(members, partitions)

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@spec round_robin([binary()], [partition()]) :: %{required(binary()) => [partition()]}

Round robin assignment

Iterates over the partitions and members, giving the first member the first partition, the second member the second partition, etc, looping back to the beginning of the list of members when finished.


iex> KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.PartitionAssignment(["m1", "m2"], [{"t1", 0}, {"t2, 1"}, {"t3", 2}])
%{"m1" => [{"t1", 0}, {"t3", 2}], "m2" => [{"t2", 1}]}