View Source LangChain.Utils (LangChain v0.2.0)

Collection of helpful utilities mostly for internal use.



Return changeset errors as text with comma separated description.

Only add the key to the map if the value is present. When the value is a list, the key will not be added when the list is empty. If the value is nil, it will not be added.

Fire a streaming callback if present.

Creates and returns an anonymous function to handle the streaming response from an API.

Put the value in the list at the desired index. If the index does not exist, return an updated list where it now exists with the value in that index.

Translates an error message using gettext.

Translates the errors for a field from a keyword list of errors.

Validation helper. Validates a struct changeset that the LLM is a struct.


@type callback_data() ::
  {:ok, Message.t() | MessageDelta.t() | [Message.t() | MessageDelta.t()]}
  | {:error, String.t()}


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@spec changeset_error_to_string(Ecto.Changeset.t()) :: nil | String.t()

Return changeset errors as text with comma separated description.

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conditionally_add_to_map(map, key, value)

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@spec conditionally_add_to_map(
  %{required(any()) => any()},
  key :: any(),
  value :: nil | list()
) :: %{
  required(any()) => any()

Only add the key to the map if the value is present. When the value is a list, the key will not be added when the list is empty. If the value is nil, it will not be added.

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fire_callback(arg1, data, callback_fn)

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@spec fire_callback(
  %{optional(:stream) => boolean()},
  data :: callback_data() | [callback_data()],
  (callback_data() -> any())
) :: :ok

Fire a streaming callback if present.

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handle_stream_fn(model, decode_stream_fn, transform_data_fn, callback_fn)

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@spec handle_stream_fn(
  %{optional(:stream) => boolean()},
  decode_stream_fn :: function(),
  transform_data_fn :: function(),
  callback_fn :: function()
) :: function()

Creates and returns an anonymous function to handle the streaming response from an API.

Accepts the following functions that handle the API-specific requirements:

  • decode_stream_fn - a function that parses the raw results from an API. It deals with the specifics or oddities of a data source. The results come back as {[list_of_parsed_json_maps], "incomplete text to buffer"}. In some cases, a API may span the JSON data response across messages. This function assembles what is complete and returns any incomplete portion that is passed in on the next iteration of the function.

  • transform_data_fn - a function that is executed to process the parsed JSON data in the form of an Elixir map into a LangChain struct of the appropriate type.

  • callback_fn - a function that receives a successful result of from the transform_data_fn.

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put_in_list(list, index, value)

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@spec put_in_list([any()], integer(), any()) :: [any()]

Put the value in the list at the desired index. If the index does not exist, return an updated list where it now exists with the value in that index.

Translates an error message using gettext.

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translate_errors(errors, field)

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Translates the errors for a field from a keyword list of errors.

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@spec validate_llm_is_struct(Ecto.Changeset.t()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()

Validation helper. Validates a struct changeset that the LLM is a struct.