View Source LetMe.Rule (LetMe v1.2.4)

A struct for an authorization rule.



A check references a function in the configured check module.

A hook can be registered to hydrate the subject and/or object before passing them to the check functions.


Struct for an authorization rule.


@type check() :: atom() | {atom(), any()}

A check references a function in the configured check module.

Can be either one of:

  • A function name as an atom. The function must be a 2-arity function that takes the subject (usually the current user) and the object as arguments.
  • A tuple with the function name as an atom and a value of any type. The function must be a 3-arity function that takes the subject, the object, and the given value as arguments.
@type hook() :: atom() | {module(), atom()} | {module(), atom(), any()}

A hook can be registered to hydrate the subject and/or object before passing them to the check functions.

"Hydration" in this context means enriching or preparing the data by adding or transforming necessary information. For instance, you might fetch related data from the database, calculate derived properties, or format the data in a certain way.

A hook can be one of the following:

  • The name of a function defined in the configured check module as an atom.
  • A {module, function} tuple.
  • A {module, function, arguments} tuple.

In either case, the function must take the subject as the first argument, the object as the second argument, and return a tuple with the updated subject and object. If an MFA tuple is passed, the given arguments are appended to the default arguments.

@type t() :: %LetMe.Rule{
  action: atom(),
  allow: [check() | [check()]],
  deny: [check() | [check()]],
  description: String.t() | nil,
  metadata: Keyword.t(),
  name: atom(),
  object: atom(),
  pre_hooks: [hook()]

Struct for an authorization rule.

  • action - The action (verb) to be performed on the object, e.g. :update.
  • allow - A list of lists of checks to run to determine whether the action is allowed. The outer list contains the alternatives (one for each allow call; combined with OR). The inner lists are the checks for each allow (combined with AND).
  • description - A human-readable description of the action.
  • deny - A list of lists of checks to run to determine whether the action is explicitly denied. Same format as in allow. If any of these checks returns true, the end result of the authorization request is immediately false, even if any of the checks in the allow field would return true.
  • name - The name of the rule. Is always {object}_{action}.
  • object - The object that the action is performed on, e.g. :article.
  • pre_hooks - Functions to run in order to hydrate the subject and/or object before running the allow and deny checks.
  • metadata - A list of relevant metadata useful for extending functionality.

The list entries in the outer list of the allow and deny fields are combined with a logical OR. If one of the entries is a list of checks, those checks are combined with a logical AND.


  • [{role: :editor}, {role: :writer}] - role is editor OR role is writer
  • [[{role: :editor}], [{role: :writer}]] - same as above
  • [[{role: :editor}], [{role: :writer}, {:own_resource}]] - (role is editor OR (role is writer AND object is the user's own resource))