View Source LiveSelect (LiveSelect v1.4.0)

The LiveSelect component is rendered by calling the live_select/1 function and passing it a form field. LiveSelect creates a text input field in which the user can type text, and hidden input field(s) that will contain the value of the selected option(s).

Whenever the user types something in the text input, LiveSelect triggers a live_select_change event for your LiveView or LiveComponent. The message has a text parameter containing the current text entered by the user, as well as id and field parameters with the id of the LiveSelect component and the name of the LiveSelect form field, respectively. Your job is to handle the event, retrieve the list of selectable options and then call Phoenix.LiveView.send_update/3 to send the list of options to LiveSelect. See the "Examples" section below for details, and check out the cheatsheet for some useful tips.

Selection can happen either using the keyboard, by navigating the options with the arrow keys and then pressing enter, or by clicking an option with the mouse.

Whenever an option is selected, LiveSelect will trigger a standard phx-change event in the form. See the "Examples" section below for details on how to handle the event.

In single mode, if the configuration option allow_clear is set, the user can manually clear the selection by clicking on the x button on the input field. In tags mode, single tags can be removed by clicking on them.

Single mode


Tags mode


When :tags mode is enabled LiveSelect allows the user to select multiple entries. The entries will be visible above the text input field as removable tags.

The selected entries will be passed to your live view's change and submit event handlers as a list of entries, just like an HTML <select> element with multiple attribute would do.


You can set the initial list of options the user can choose from with the options assign. Afterwards, you can update the options at any time using Phoenix.LiveView.send_update/3. Each option will be assigned a label, which will be shown in the dropdown, and a value, which will be the value of the LiveSelect input when the option is selected.

options can be any enumeration of the following elements:

  • atoms, strings or numbers: In this case, each element will be both label and value for the option
  • tuples: {label, value} corresponding to label and value for the option
  • maps: %{label: label, value: value} or %{value: value}
  • keywords: [label: label, value: value] or [value: value]

In the case of maps and keywords, if only value is specified, it will be used as both value and label for the option.

Because you can pass a list of tuples, you can use maps and keyword lists to pass the list of options, for example:

%{Red: 1, Yellow: 2, Green: 3}

Will result in 3 options with labels :Red, :Yellow, :Green and values 1, 2, and 3.

Note that the option values, if they are not strings, will be JSON-encoded. Your LiveView will receive this JSON-encoded version in the phx-change and phx-submit events.


LiveSelect supports 3 styling modes:

  • tailwind: uses standard tailwind utility classes (the default)
  • daisyui: uses daisyUI classes.
  • none: no styling at all.

Please see the styling section for details

Alternative tag labels

Sometimes, in :tags mode, you might want to use alternative labels for the tags. For example, you might want the labels in the tags to be shorter in order to save space. You can do this by specifying an additional tag_label key when passing options as map or keywords. For example, passing these options:

[%{label: "New York", value "NY", tag_label: "NY"}, %{label: "Barcelona", value: "BCN", tag_label: "BCN"}]  

will result in "New York" and "Barcelona" being used for the options in the dropdown, while "NY" and "BCN" will be used for the tags (and the values).

Sticky options

Add the sticky: true flag to an option to prevent it from being removed from the selection:

[%{label: "New York", value: "NY", sticky: true}]

Now, whenever the selection contains "New York", the option will stick and the user won't be able to remove it.


You can control how your options and tags are rendered by using the :option and :tag slots. Let's say you want to show some fancy icons next to each option in the dropdown and the tags:

        <:option :let={option}>
          <div class="flex">
            <.globe />&nbsp;<%= option.label %>
        <:tag :let={option}>
            <.check />&nbsp;<%= option.label %>

Here's the result:


Controlling the selection programmatically

You can always control the selection programmatically, overriding the current user-selected values, by sending a :value update to LiveSelect via Phoenix.LiveView.send_update/3:

send_update(LiveSelect.Component, id: live_select_id, value: new_selection)

new_selection must be a single element in :single mode, a list in :tags mode. If it's nil, the selection will be cleared.
After updating the selection, LiveSelect will trigger a change event in the form.

To set a custom id for the component to use with Phoenix.LiveView.send_update/3, you can pass the id assign to live_select/1.


These examples describe all the moving parts in detail. You can see these examples in action, see which messages and events are being sent, and play around with the configuration easily with the showcase app.

Single mode

The user can search for cities. The LiveSelect main form input is called city_search. When a city is selected, the coordinates of that city will be the value of the form input. The name of the selected city is available in the text input field named city_search_text_input.


<.form for={@form} phx-change="change">
  <.live_select field={@form[:city_search]} /> 

Forms implemented in LiveComponents

If your form is implemented in a LiveComponent and not in a LiveView, you have to add the phx-target attribute when rendering LiveSelect:

 <.live_select field={@form[:city_search]} phx-target={@myself} />

LiveView or LiveComponent that is the target of the form's events:

import LiveSelect

@impl true
def handle_event("live_select_change", %{"text" => text, "id" => live_select_id}, socket) do 
    cities =
    # cities could be:
    # [ {"city name 1", [lat_1, long_1]}, {"city name 2", [lat_2, long_2]}, ... ]
    # but it could also be (no coordinates in this case):
    # [ "city name 1", "city name 2", ... ]
    # or:
    # [ [label: "city name 1", value: [lat_1, long_1]], [label: "city name 2", value: [lat_2, long_2]], ... ] 
    # or even:
    # ["city name 1": [lat_1, long_1], "city name 2": [lat_2, long_2]]

    send_update(LiveSelect.Component, id: live_select_id, options: cities)
    {:noreply, socket}

@impl true
def handle_event(
    %{"my_form" => %{"city_search_text_input" => city_name, "city_search" => city_coords}},
  ) do
    IO.puts("You selected city #{city_name} located at: #{city_coords}")

    {:noreply, socket}

Tags mode

Let's say you want to build on the previous example and allow the user to select multiple cities and not only one. The :tags mode allows you to do exactly this.


<.form for={@form} phx-change="change">
  <.live_select field={@form[:city_search]} mode={:tags} /> 

LiveView or LiveComponent that is the target of the form's events:

@impl true
def handle_event(
    %{"my_form" => %{"city_search" => list_of_coords}},
  ) do
  # list_of_coords will contain the list of the JSON-encoded coordinates of the selected cities, for example:
  # ["[-46.565,-23.69389]", "[-48.27722,-18.91861]"]    

  IO.puts("You selected cities located at: #{list_of_coords}")

  {:noreply, socket}

Multiple LiveSelect inputs in the same LiveView

If you have multiple LiveSelect inputs in the same LiveView, you can distinguish them based on the field id. For example:


<.form for={@form} phx-change="change">
  <.live_select field={@form[:city_search]} />
  <.live_select field={@form[:album_search]} />

LiveView or LiveComponent:

@impl true
def handle_event("live_select_change", %{"text" => text, "id" => live_select_id, "field" => live_select_field}, socket) do
  options =
    case live_select_field do
      "form_name_city_search" ->
      "form_name_album_search" ->

  send_update(LiveSelect.Component, id: live_select_id, options: options)

  {:noreply, socket}

Using LiveSelect with associations and embeds

LiveSelect can also be used to display and select associations or embeds without too much effort. Let's say you have the following schemas:

defmodule City do
  @moduledoc false

  use Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset

  @primary_key false
  embedded_schema do
    field(:pos, {:array, :float})

  def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = schema \\ %__MODULE__{}, params) do
    cast(schema, params, [:name, :pos])

defmodule CitySearchForm do
  use Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset

  embedded_schema do
    embeds_many(:city_search, City, on_replace: :delete)

  def changeset(schema \\ %__MODULE__{}, params) do
    cast(schema, params, [])
    |> cast_embed(:city_search)

Each city has a name and an array with coordinates - we want LiveSelect to display the name as label in the dropdown and in the tags, but we want the entire data structure (name + coordinates) to be sent to the server when the user selects.

In order for this to work, we need to:

  1. Map City structs to the options expected by LiveSelect
  2. Decode City JSON objects sent by the client

We do (1) by passing a value_mapper assign to LiveSelect. This is a 1-arity function that expects the struct and maps it to the option that LiveSelect should use:

<.live_select field={@form[:city_search]} value_mapper={&value_mapper/1} mode={:tags} />
defp value_mapper(%City{name: name} = value) do
  %{label: name, value: value}

As you can see, the label is the name of the city whereas the value is the entire struct. This is because we want to be able to recreate the struct from the value, so we need everything. LiveSelect uses this function to map values set in the form to the options.

You can also use the value_mapper/1 function to map the values to the options when updating the list of options while handling live_select_change:

def handle_event("live_select_change", %{"text" => text, "id" => live_select_id}, socket) do
  options =

  send_update(Component, id: live_select_id, options: options)

  {:noreply, socket}

IMPORTANT: the output of the value_mapper/1 function should be JSON-encodable

Finally, in order to take care of (2) you need to decode the JSON-encoded list of options that's coming from the client before you can cast them to create a changeset. To do so, LiveSelect offers a convenience function called LiveSelect.decode/1:

def handle_event("change", params, socket) do
  # decode will JSON-decode the value in city_search, handling the type of selection 
  # and taking care of special values such as "" and nil
  params = update_in(params, ~w(city_search_form city_search), &LiveSelect.decode/1)
  # now we can cast the params:
  changeset = CitySearchForm.changeset(params)
  {:noreply, assign(socket, form: to_form(changeset))}

That's it! Now Your form with embeds selected and displayed with LiveSelect should work



Renders a LiveSelect input in a form.


Decodes the selection from the client. This has to be used when the values in the selection aren't simple integers or strings.


Renders a LiveSelect input in a form.


  • field (:any) (required) - a Phoenix.HTML.FormField struct identifying the form's field.

  • id (:string) - an id to assign to the component. If none is provided, #{form_name}_#{field}_live_select_component will be used.

  • mode (:atom) - either :single (for single selection), or :tags (for multiple selection using tags). Defaults to :single.

  • options (:list) - initial available options to select from. Note that, after the initial rendering of the component, options can only be updated using Phoenix.LiveView.send_update/3 - See the "Options" section for details.

  • value (:any) - used to manually set a selection - overrides any values from the form. Must be a single element in :single mode, or a list of elements in :tags mode.

  • max_selectable (:integer) - limits the maximum number of selectable elements. 0 means unlimited. Defaults to 0.

  • user_defined_options (:boolean) - if true, hitting enter will always add the text entered by the user to the selection. Defaults to false.

  • allow_clear (:boolean) - if true, when in single mode, display a "x" button in the input field to clear the selection.

  • disabled (:boolean) - set this to true to disable the input field.

  • placeholder (:string) - placeholder text for the input field.

  • debounce (:integer) - number of milliseconds to wait after the last keystroke before triggering a "live_select_change" event. Defaults to 100.

  • value_mapper (:any) - function used to map the values from a form to LiveSelect options. Important: the output of this function should be JSON-encodable.

  • update_min_len (:integer) - the minimum length of text in the text input field that will trigger an update of the dropdown. Defaults to 1.

  • style (:atom) - one of :tailwind, :daisyui or :none. See the Styling section for details. Defaults to :tailwind.

  • phx-target (:any) - Optional target for events. Usually the same target as the form's.

  • phx-blur (:string) - Event to emit when the text input loses focus. The component id will be sent in the event's params.

  • phx-focus (:string) - Event to emit when the text input receives focus. The component id will be sent in the event's params.


  • option - optional slot that renders an option in the dropdown. The option's data is available via :let.
  • tag - optional slot that renders a tag. The option's data is available via :let.
  • clear_button - optional slot to render a custom clear button.

Styling attributes


Decodes the selection from the client. This has to be used when the values in the selection aren't simple integers or strings.

Let's say you receive your params in the variable params, and your LiveSelect field is called my_field and belongs to the form my_form. Then you should
decode like this:

params = update_in(params, ~w(my_form my_field), &LiveSelect.decode/1)


iex> decode(nil) []

iex> decode("") nil

iex> decode("{\"name\":\"Berlin\",\"pos\":[13.41053,52.52437]}") %{"name" => "Berlin","pos" => [13.41053,52.52437]}

iex> decode(["{\"name\":\"New York City\",\"pos\":[-74.00597,40.71427]}","{\"name\":\"Stockholm\",\"pos\":[18.06871,59.32938]}"]) [%{"name" => "New York City","pos" => [-74.00597,40.71427]}, %{"name" => "Stockholm","pos" => [18.06871,59.32938]}]