Creating a Platform Library

To create a platform library that can be used as a dependency within a LiveView Native application, a few requirements must be met:

  1. Your library must have a top-level module with use LiveViewNativePlatform.
  2. Your top-level module must define a platforms/0 function which returns a list of platform modules.
  3. Your library must have at least one platform module that implements the LiveViewNativePlatform.Kit protocol.

This document briefly covers each of these requirements.


For an example of a LiveView Native platform library, look through the source code of live_view_native_swift_ui here.


Top-level module

The top-level module of your library must inherit the LiveViewNativePlatform macro and define a platforms/0 callback. Here's a basic example of what that might look like:

defmodule LiveViewNativeExampleLib do
  use LiveViewNativePlatform

  def platforms,
    do: [

This is the entry point of your platform library. At compile-time, a LiveView Native application will look for any modules that inherit the LiveViewNativePlatform macro and call platforms/0 on all of them. The returned list of platforms is used to tell the application which platforms are available and describe how they will be used in an application.


Implementing a Kit

Each platform module returned by platforms/0 in the previous step must implement the LiveViewNativePlatform.Kit protocol. This protocol expects one function called compile/1 to be implemented, which returns a %LiveViewNativePlatform.Env{} struct. This struct has the following properties:

  • custom_modifiers: A list of custom modifiers, defined by the end-user.
  • eex_engine: The EEx engine to use for compiling templates. Defaults to Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine.
  • modifiers_struct: The module to use for modifier structs. Defaults to LiveViewNativePlatform.GenericModifiers.
  • modifiers: An empty struct with the modifiers_struct module.
  • platform_config: The module to use for platform configuration structs. This is typically used to store platform-specific information sent by the client, like OS name, version, device type, etc.
  • platform_id: A unique platform ID.
  • platform_modifiers: A keyword list of modifier names and their associated modifier schema modules. Defaults to an empty list.
  • render_macro: A macro or sigil to use for rendering function components for this platform.
  • tag_handler: A tag handler module to use for parsing templates. This is only relevant when eex_engine is Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine. Defaults to LiveViewNative.TagEngine.
  • template_extension: A unique file extension to use for external template files. Defaults to "#{platform_id}.heex"
  • template_namespace: Your library's top-level module name.

Most of these fields are optional and many of them are dynamically set at runtime when your platform library is used in end-user applications. Instead of returning a struct directly, it is recommended to use LiveViewNativePlatform.Env.define/2 to only set the fields you need. Here is an example:

defmodule LiveViewNativeExampleLib.Platform do
  defstruct [
    # etc...

  defimpl LiveViewNativePlatform.Kit do
    require Logger

    def compile(_config) do
      LiveViewNativePlatform.Env.define(:example_lib, # A unique ID to identify your platform by 
        render_macro: :sigil_EXAMPLE, # This will allow rendering platform-specific with `~EXAMPLE""`
        otp_app: :live_view_native_example_lib # This is used to infer other values in the struct

This will allow LiveView Native applications to use your platform library, like so:

# lib/my_app_web/live/hello_live.ex
defmodule MyAppWeb.HelloLive do
  use Phoenix.LiveView
  use LiveViewNative.LiveView

  @impl true
  def render(%{platform_id: :example_lib} = assigns) do
    # This UI renders on your custom client
    # Note: This is pseudocode; your native platform's template syntax will vary.
        Hello native!

  @impl true
  def render(%{} = assigns) do
    # This UI renders on the web
    <div class="flex w-full h-screen items-center">
      <span class="w-full text-center">
        Hello web!

A client can connect to a LiveView Native application that supports your platform library by passing its unique platform ID as the _platform connection param (this is handled by LiveViewNative.LiveSession). So in this example, connecting to http://localhost:4000?_platform=example_lib will render the ~EXAMPLE"" template and connecting to http://localhost:4000 will render the web template.



LiveView Native Platform supports modifiers for platforms that use them, like SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose. Your native platform might not have a need for modifiers; if not, you can ignore modifiers entirely in your platform library implementation.

If you want to use modifiers in your platform library, consider looking at how the live_view_native_swift_ui platform library does it as a reference. The modifiers_struct set on your %LiveViewNativePlatform.Env{} will need to implement the following protocols to fully support modifiers:



This document outlined the bare minimum requirements for a platform library to be used within a LiveView Native application. More advanced topics, such as building a client library with LiveView compatibility, how to integrate liveview-native-core into your client library using FFI, and native platform development in general, are beyond the scope of this library and guide.