
LiveView Native Platform is an auxillary library to LiveView Native. It defines protocols, macros and other supporting code for developers to add LiveView Native support to their own native clients.

This library provides the serverside glue between Phoenix applications using live_view_native and platform libraries (like live_view_native_swift_ui and live_view_native_jetpack).


This dependency is intended for library developers and shouldn't be used for end-user developers who want to use LiveView Native within their application. For information on using LiveView Native within an application, check the HexDocs for the live_view_native library here.


Getting Started

Platform libraries for LiveView Native have two essential layers; the serverside Elixir code that the live_view_native library knows how to interface with, and the clientside code that provides compatibility with Phoenix LiveView backends. This library and documentation only focuses on the serverside responsibilities of a platform library.

For information on the clientside implementation needed to support LiveView Native, see liveview-native-core. It provides platform-agnostic implementations of morphdom, Phoenix sockets and other essential glue code that one could use to build a LiveView Native compatible client.

To use LiveView Native Platform in your platform library, simply include it as a dependency in your mix.exs:

def deps do
    # other dependencies here...
    {:live_view_native_platform, "~> 0.1.0"}

You do not need to pull in any Phoenix, LiveView or other dependencies in your platform library; this library does not depend on them and end-user applications who are using live_view_native will already have those dependencies in their project.

After running mix deps.get, you can continue on to creating a platform library.