View Source LoggerJSON (logger_json v6.0.3)

A collection of formatters and utilities for JSON-based logging for various cloud tools and platforms.

Supported formatters


Add logger_json to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    # ...
    {:logger_json, "~> 6.0"}
    # ...

and install it running mix deps.get.

Then, enable the formatter in your config.exs:

config :logger, :default_handler,
  formatter: {LoggerJSON.Formatters.Basic, []}

or during runtime (eg. in your application.ex):

:logger.update_handler_config(:default, :formatter, {Basic, []})


Configuration can be set using 2nd element of the tuple of the :formatter option in Logger configuration. For example in config.exs:

config :logger, :default_handler,
  formatter: {LoggerJSON.Formatters.GoogleCloud, metadata: :all, project_id: "logger-101"}

or during runtime:

:logger.update_handler_config(:default, :formatter, {Basic, metadata: {:all_except, [:conn]}})

Shared Options

Some formatters require additional configuration options. Here are the options that are common for each formatter:

  • :metadata - a list of metadata keys to include in the log entry. By default, no metadata is included. If :allis given, all metadata is included. If {:all_except, keys} is given, all metadata except the specified keys is included.

  • :redactors - a list of tuples, where first element is the module that implements the LoggerJSON.Redactor behaviour, and the second element is the options to pass to the redactor module. By default, no redactors are used.


You can set some well-known metadata keys to be included in the log entry. The following keys are supported for all formatters:

  • :conn - the Plug.Conn struct, setting it will include the request and response details in the log entry;
  • :crash_reason - a tuple where the first element is the exception struct and the second is the stacktrace. For example: Logger.error("Exception!", crash_reason: {e, __STACKTRACE__}). Setting it will include the exception details in the log entry.

Formatters may encode the well-known metadata differently and support additional metadata keys, see the documentation of the formatter for more details.



Changes Logger log level at runtime.

Configures Logger log level at runtime by using value from environment variable.


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Changes Logger log level at runtime.

Notice that settings this value below compile_time_purge_level would not work, because Logger calls would be already stripped at compile-time.

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configure_log_level_from_env!(env_name \\ "LOG_LEVEL")

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Configures Logger log level at runtime by using value from environment variable.

By default, 'LOG_LEVEL' environment variable is used.