View Source Lua.API behaviour (Lua v0.0.22)

Defines the Behaviour for defining a Lua API

To create a module that exports functions to the global scope

defmodule MyAPI do
  use Lua.API

  # Can be called via `print("hi")` in lua
  deflua print(msg), do: IO.puts msg

Optionally, you can provide a scope

defmodule SpecificAPI do
  use Lua.API, scope: "namespace.domain"

  # Can be called via `` in lua
  deflua foo(v), do: v

You can access Lua state

defmodule State do
  use Lua.API

  deflua bar(name), state do
    # Pull's the value of `number` out of state
    val = Lua.get!(state, [:number])

    2 * val

Regular functions are not exported

defmodule SpecificAPI do
  use Lua.API

  # Won't be exposed
  def baz(v), do: v

Installing an API

A Lua.API can provide an optional install/3 callback, which can run arbitrary Lua code or change the Lua state in any way.

An install/3 callback takes a Lua.t/0 and should either return a Lua script to be evaluated, a Lua.Chunk.t/0, or return a new Lua.t/0

defmodule WithInstall do
  use Lua.API, scope: "install"

  @impl Lua.API
  def install(lua, _scope, _data) do
    Lua.set!(lua, [:foo], "bar")

If you don't need to write Elixir, but want to execute some Lua to setup global variables, modify state, or expose some additonal APIs, you can simply return a Lua chunk directly using the c modifier on Lua.sigil_LUA/2

defmodule WithLua do
  use Lua.API, scope: "whoa"

  import Lua

  @impl Lua.API
  def install(_lua, _scope, _data) do
    ~LUA[print("Hello at install time!")]c



Defines a function that can be exposed in Lua through Lua.load_api/3

Raises a runtime exception inside an API function, displaying contextual information about where the exception was raised.


@type scope_def() :: [String.t()]


Link to this callback

install(t, scope_def, any)

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@callback install(Lua.t(), scope_def(), any()) :: Lua.t() | Lua.Chunk.t() | String.t()
@callback scope() :: scope_def()


Link to this macro

deflua(fa, rest)

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See deflua/3

Link to this macro

deflua(fa, state, rest)

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Defines a function that can be exposed in Lua through Lua.load_api/3

deflua add_two(number) do
  number + 2

Accessing state

Sometimes, you may want to access or modify the Lua environment in a deflua. This can be done by using the following syntax

deflua get_value(key), state do
  # Access the Lua environment
  Lua.get!(lua, [key])

To modify and return new state, return a tuple

deflua set_value(key, value), state do
  # Return nothing but modify the state
  {[], Lua.set!(lua, [key])}

Variadic functions

Technically, all Lua functions are variadic, which means they can receive a variable number of arguments. As a convenience, Lua applies your arguments to deflua functions so that they can be written in idiomatic Elixir.

If you need to handle variadic arguments, annotate the function with the @variadic module attribute.

@variadic true
deflua print(args) do
  IO.puts(Enum.join(args, " "))

@variadic behavior

When using the @variadic attribute, note that it is per-function. Lua will reset this attribute after every function definition, so there is no need to manually reset it yourself

Link to this macro


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Raises a runtime exception inside an API function, displaying contextual information about where the exception was raised.