View Source Lua.Table (Lua v0.0.17)

In Lua, tables are the fundamental datastructure, which are used both as associative arrays (maps), and arrays (lists).

Lua.Table provides some utilities for working with Lua tables when passed back to Elixir.



Converts a Lua table into a list. Assumes that the table is correctly ordered.

Converts a Lua table into a map

Converts a Lua table into a string representing a Lua table literal

Converts a Lua table into more "native" feeling lists and maps, deeply traversing any sub-tables.


Link to this function

as_list(values, opts \\ [])

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Converts a Lua table into a list. Assumes that the table is correctly ordered.

iex> Lua.Table.as_list([{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}, {3, "c"}])
["a", "b", "c"]

To ensure the list is ordered, you can pass the :sort option

iex> Lua.Table.as_list([{2, "b"}, {1, "a"}, {3, "c"}])
["b", "a", "c"]

iex> Lua.Table.as_list([{2, "b"}, {1, "a"}, {3, "c"}], sort: true)
["a", "b", "c"]

Converts a Lua table into a map

iex> Lua.Table.as_map([{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}])
%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}
Link to this function

as_string(table, opts \\ [])

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Converts a Lua table into a string representing a Lua table literal

iex> Lua.Table.as_string([{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}])
"{a = 1, b = 2}"

iex> Lua.Table.as_string([{1, "foo"}, {2, "bar"}])
~S[{"foo", "bar"}]


  • :userdata - A 1-arity function used to format userdata. Defaults to fn _ -> "<userdata>"

Converts a Lua table into more "native" feeling lists and maps, deeply traversing any sub-tables.

It uses the heuristic that maps with integer keys starting as 1 will be auto-cast into lists

iex> Lua.Table.deep_cast([{"a", 1}, {"b", [{1, 3}, {2, 4}]}])
%{"a" => 1, "b" => [3, 4]}