mc_protocol v0.0.2 McProtocol.Orchestrator behaviour

Orchestrates what Handler is active at what time.

While an orchestrator is not able to send or receive data directly on the connection, it is able to activate handlers that does so. If you wanted to implement something equivalent to BungeeCord, you would implement it as an orchestrator.

A connection has a single orchestrator which is active for the lifetime of the connection. If the orchestrator crashes, the connection is immediately closed.



Called when a handler has given up control of the connection

Called when a connection is opened to create a new ochestrator


next(orchestrator_pid, last_handler)


next(orchestrator_pid :: pid, last_handler :: {McProtocol.Handler.t, return_val :: any | :crash} | :connect) :: {McProtocol.Handler.t, any}

Called when a handler has given up control of the connection.



start_link(connection_pid :: pid) :: {:ok, pid}

Called when a connection is opened to create a new ochestrator.