View Source Installation

Use the generators to add support files and set up your .medic directory:

mix archive.install hex gen_medic
mix gen.medic

Installed Files

The medic generators will add a number of files in the root path of the current project:


And the following lines to .gitignore:


The shell scripts in bin/dev use the bash helpers in .medic/_support to help bootstrap a project on a new computer (which may not have Erlang or Elixir, for instance). As quickly as possible, the execution runtime moves into Elixir.

Alternate Medic Source

Scripts in bin/dev require .medic/require.exs, which uses Mix.install/1 to download Medic and make it available. By default, gen_medic generates a file that looks like this, where version is matched to version of gen_medic:

  {:medic, "~> 0.5.0", force: true}

To use medic from GitHub, change .medic/require.exs as follows:

  {:medic, github: "synchronal/medic-ex", force: true}

When developing locally, a local path can be used:

  {:medic, path: "../../medic", force: true}

Note: In Elixir 1.12.0, relative paths must be expanded using Path.expand(path, __DIR__).

Configure Doctor Checks

Doctor defaults to a subset of available checks. The set of checks to run can be configured in .medic/doctor.exs. If this file exists, it should be a list of check tuples.

For example:

  {Medic.Checks.Homebrew, :bundled?},
  {Medic.Checks.Chromedriver, :unquarantined?},
  {Medic.Checks.Chromedriver, :versions_match?},
  {Medic.Checks.Direnv, :envrc_file_exists?},
  {Medic.Checks.Direnv, :has_all_keys?},
  {Medic.Checks.Asdf, :plugin_installed?, ["postgres"]},
  {Medic.Checks.Asdf, :package_installed?, ["postgres"]},
  {Medic.Checks.Hex, :local_hex_installed?},
  {Medic.Checks.Hex, :packages_installed?},
  {Medic.Checks.NPM, :exists?},
  {Medic.Checks.NPM, :require_minimum_version, ["7.8.0"]},
  {Medic.Checks.NPM, :any_packages_installed?},
  {Medic.Checks.NPM, :all_packages_installed?},
  {Medic.Checks.Postgres, :running?},
  {Medic.Checks.Postgres, :correct_version_running?},
  {Medic.Checks.Postgres, :role_exists?},
  {Medic.Checks.Postgres, :correct_data_directory?},
  {Medic.Checks.Postgres, :database_exists?, ["apex_dev"]}

Configure Update Commands

Commands are read from .medic/update.exs in your project, which should contain a list of commands.

This is the recommended list of commands for a database-backed Phoenix app (in this order):


When creating a new project, just copy the line above into .medic/update.exs in your project.

Built-in Update Commands

The following commands are built in and can be specified as atoms:

  • update_code: performs git pull --rebase
  • update_mix: performs mix deps.get
  • update_npm: performs npm install --prefix assets
  • build_npm: performs npm run build --prefix assets
  • migrate: performs mix ecto.migrate
  • doctor: runs Medic.Doctor. Typically this is the last command you want to run.

Custom Update Commands

A custom command is a list with 3 or 4 items: a description, a shell command, arguments, and an optional list of opts that will be sent to System.cmd/3. For example:

["Seeding DB", "mix", ["run", "priv/repo/seeds.exs"]]

Your .medic/update.exs file can have a combination of built-in commands and custom commands:

  ["Seeding DB", "mix", ["run", "priv/repo/seeds.exs"]],