View Source Memorex.Scheduler.CardStateMachine (Memorex v0.2.4)

This is the heart of the Anki SM-2 algorithm. Note that this file consists of pure functions; Memorex.Domain.Card structs come into the answer_card/4 function, and a map containing changes are returned. There is no database interaction in this file. Time is deterministic (i.e., there are no calls within this module), and the specific value of the current time is fed into each function. Memorex.Scheduler.CardStateMachine is not truly a state machine per se (as it actually maintains no state), but is really a set of transforms on Memorex.Domain.Cards.

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This is the main function used when drilling/reviewing Memorex.Domain.Cards. Cards start out as :new, and then progress to :learn and then :review based on the Anki algorithm. If a :review card is failed (by answering :again), then it becomes a :relearn card.

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answer_card(card, atom, config, time_now)

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This is the main function used when drilling/reviewing Memorex.Domain.Cards. Cards start out as :new, and then progress to :learn and then :review based on the Anki algorithm. If a :review card is failed (by answering :again), then it becomes a :relearn card.

Note that a map containing the difference in the card state is returned by answer_card/4, not a new version of the card. Only values that actually modified by the answer are returned in this map.

Also note that Memorex.Domain.Card values such as :reps are incremented outside of Memorex.Scheduler.CardStateMachine in Memorex.Scheduler.CardReviewer (otherwise every function in this file would increment :rep by one, which seemed redundant). The :due field on Memorex.Domain.Card is also computed outside of Memorex.Scheduler.CardStateMachine based on the value of :interval; i.e., a new :interval is computed in Memorex.Scheduler.CardStateMachine and its value is added to the old :due datetime to find a new :due in Memorex.Scheduler.CardReviewer.

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cap_duration(duration, max_duration)

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@spec cap_duration(Timex.Duration.t(), Timex.Duration.t()) :: Timex.Duration.t()
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convert_new_card_to_learn_card(card, config, time_now)

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@spec convert_new_card_to_learn_card(
) :: map()