Mix v1.8.1 Mix.Generator View Source

Conveniences for working with paths and generating content.

All of these functions are verbose, in the sense they log the action to be performed via Mix.shell/0.

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Creates a directory if one does not exist yet.

Creates a file with the given contents. If the file already exists, asks for user confirmation.

Embeds a template given by contents into the current module.

Embeds a text given by contents into the current module.

Link to this section Functions


create_directory(Path.t()) :: any()

Creates a directory if one does not exist yet.

This function does nothing if the given directory already exists; in this case, it still logs the directory creation.


iex> Mix.Generator.create_directory("path/to/dir")
* creating path/to/dir
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create_file(path, contents, opts \\ [])

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create_file(Path.t(), iodata(), keyword()) :: any()

Creates a file with the given contents. If the file already exists, asks for user confirmation.


  • :force - forces installation without a shell prompt.


iex> Mix.Generator.create_file(".gitignore", "_build\ndeps\n")
* creating .gitignore
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embed_template(name, contents)

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Embeds a template given by contents into the current module.

It will define a private function with the name followed by _template that expects assigns as arguments.

This function must be invoked passing a keyword list. Each key in the keyword list can be accessed in the template using the @ macro.

For more information, check EEx.SmartEngine.


defmodule Mix.Tasks.MyTask do
  require Mix.Generator
  Mix.Generator.embed_template(:log, "Log: <%= @log %>")
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embed_text(name, contents)

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Embeds a text given by contents into the current module.

It will define a private function with the name followed by _text that expects no arguments.


defmodule Mix.Tasks.MyTask do
  require Mix.Generator
  Mix.Generator.embed_text(:error, "There was an error!")