View Source Mobius.EventLog (mobius v0.6.1)
API for working with the event log
Turn a list of Events into a binary
List the events in the event log
Parse the Mobius binary formatted event log
Save the current state of the event log to disk
Return the event log in the Mobius binary format
@type opt() :: {:from, integer()} | {:to, integer()} | {:instance, Mobius.instance()}
Options to query the event log
@spec events_to_binary([Mobius.Event.t()]) :: binary()
Turn a list of Events into a binary
@spec list([opt()]) :: [Mobius.Event.t()]
List the events in the event log
@spec parse(binary()) :: {:ok, [Mobius.Event.t()]} | {:error, atom()}
Parse the Mobius binary formatted event log
@spec save([opt()]) :: :ok
Save the current state of the event log to disk
Return the event log in the Mobius binary format