View Source Mongo.GridFs.Bucket (mongodb-driver v1.5.0)
This is the MongoDB Bucket struct, which specifies the underlying collections to support GridFS. There are always
two kind of collections used for storing files by GridFS. The fs.files
collection contains the meta information about
the file and the fs.chunks
collection contains the data of the file chunked into blocks of bytes. The names of the
collection and the size of the block is defined by the following options:
The bucket has some configuration options:
- The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to255*1024
- The bucket name. Defaults tofs
The bucket checks whether the indexes already exist before attempting to create them. The names of the created indexes are "filename_1_uploadDate_1" and "files_id_1_n_1"
In case of using transaction you need to add the session to the bucket. This functions adds the session pid to the bucket.
Returns the collection name for the chunks collection, default is fs.chunks.
Given a id
, delete this stored file’s files collection document and
associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
Drops the files and chunks collections associated with this bucket.
Returns the collection name for the files collection, default is fs.files.
Returns a cursor from the fs.files collection.
Finds one file document by file_id
specified either as a string or BSON.ObjectId
Creates a new Bucket with a existing connection using the default values. It just contains the name of the collections (fs) and the chunk size (255KB).
Renames the stored file with the specified file_id.
@type t() :: %Mongo.GridFs.Bucket{ chunk_size: non_neg_integer(), name: String.t(), opts: term(), topology_pid: GenServer.server() }
In case of using transaction you need to add the session to the bucket. This functions adds the session pid to the bucket.
Returns the collection name for the chunks collection, default is fs.chunks.
@spec delete(t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Mongo.DeleteResult.t()}
@spec delete(t(), BSON.ObjectId.t()) :: {:ok, Mongo.DeleteResult.t()}
Given a id
, delete this stored file’s files collection document and
associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
@spec drop(t()) :: :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}
Drops the files and chunks collections associated with this bucket.
Returns the collection name for the files collection, default is fs.files.
@spec find(t(), BSON.document(), Keyword.t()) :: Mongo.cursor()
Returns a cursor from the fs.files collection.
@spec find_one(t(), String.t()) :: BSON.document() | nil
@spec find_one(t(), BSON.ObjectId.t()) :: BSON.document() | nil
Finds one file document by file_id
specified either as a string or BSON.ObjectId
@spec new(GenServer.server(), Keyword.t()) :: t()
Creates a new Bucket with a existing connection using the default values. It just contains the name of the collections (fs) and the chunk size (255KB).
The bucket checks the index for both collections as well. In case of multiple upload or downloads just create only one bucket and reuse it.
@spec rename(t(), BSON.ObjectId.t(), String.t()) :: Mongo.result(BSON.document())
Renames the stored file with the specified file_id.