Mongo (mongodb-driver v1.4.0) View Source

The main entry point for doing queries. All functions take a topology to run the query on.

Generic options

All operations take these options.

  • :timeout - The maximum time that the caller is allowed the to hold the connection’s state (ignored when using a run/transaction connection, default: 15_000)
  • :checkout_timeout - The maximum time for checking out a new session and connection (default: 60_000). When the connection pool exhausted then the function call times out after :checkout_timeout.
  • :pool - The pooling behaviour module to use, this option is required unless the default DBConnection pool is used
  • :pool_timeout - The maximum time to wait for a reply when making a synchronous call to the pool (default: 5_000)
  • :queue - Whether to block waiting in an internal queue for the connection's state (boolean, default: true)
  • :log - A function to log information about a call, either a 1-arity fun, {module, function, args} with DBConnection.LogEntry.t prepended to args or nil. See DBConnection.LogEntry (default: nil)
  • :database - the database to run the operation on
  • :connect_timeout - maximum timeout for connect (default: 5_000)

Read options

All read operations that returns a cursor take the following options for controlling the behaviour of the cursor.

  • :batch_size - Number of documents to fetch in each batch
  • :limit - Maximum number of documents to fetch with the cursor
  • :read_preference - specifies the rules for selecting a server to query

Write options

All write operations take the following options for controlling the write concern.

  • :w - The number of servers to replicate to before returning from write operators, a 0 value will return immediately, :majority will wait until the operation propagates to a majority of members in the replica set (Default: 1)
  • :j If true, the write operation will only return after it has been committed to journal - (Default: false)
  • :wtimeout - If the write concern is not satisfied in the specified interval, the operation returns an error

Link to this section Summary


Executes an admin command against the admin database using always the primary. Retryable writes are disabled.

Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline.

Convenient function to execute write and read operation with a causal consistency session.

Issue a database command. If the command has parameters use a keyword list for the document because the "command key" has to be the first in the document.

Similar to command/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Returns the count of documents that would match a find/4 query.

Similar to count_documents/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Explicitly creates a collection or view.

Convenient function to creates new indexes in the collection coll. The indexes parameter is a list with all options for creating indexes in the MongoDB.

Remove all documents matching the filter from the collection.

Similar to delete_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Remove a document matching the filter from the collection.

Similar to delete_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a collection.

Similar to distinct/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Convenient function that drops the collection coll.

Convenient function that drops the database name.

Convenient function that drops the index name in the collection coll.

Estimate the number of documents in a collection using collection metadata.

Similar to estimated_document_count/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Selects documents in a collection and returns a cursor for the selected documents.

Selects a single document in a collection and returns either a document or nil.

Finds a document and updates it (using atomic modifiers).

Insert multiple documents into the collection.

Similar to insert_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Insert a single document into the collection.

Similar to insert_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

This function is very fundamental.

Returns the limits of the database.

Convenient function that returns a cursor with the names of the indexes.

Returns a cursor to enumerate all indexes

Generates a new BSON.ObjectId.

Sends a ping command to the server.

Changes the name of an existing collection. Specify collection names to rename_collection in the form of a complete namespace (<database>.<collection>).

Replace a single document matching the filter with the new document.

Similar to replace_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

In case of retryable reads are enabled, the keyword :read_counter is added with the value of 1.

In case of retryable writes are enabled, the keyword :write_counter is added with the value of 1.

Start and link to a database connection process.

Converts the DataTime to a MongoDB timestamp.

Convenient function for running multiple write commands in a transaction.

Performs one or more update operations.

Update all documents matching the filter.

Similar to update_many/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Update a single document matching the filter.

Similar to update_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

Creates a new UUID.

Converts the binary to UUID

Similar to uuid/1 except it will unwrap the error tuple and raise in case of errors.

Creates a change stream cursor all collections of the database.

Returns the wire version of the database

Link to this section Types


collection() :: String.t()


conn() :: DbConnection.Conn


cursor() :: Mongo.Cursor.t()


initial_type() :: :unknown | :single | :replica_set_no_primary | :sharded


result(t) ::
  :ok | {:ok, t} | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()} | {:error, Mongo.WriteError.t()}


result!(t) :: t

Link to this section Functions

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abort_transaction(arg1, reason)

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admin_command(topology_pid, cmd)

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Executes an admin command against the admin database using always the primary. Retryable writes are disabled.


iex> cmd = [

configureFailPoint: "failCommand",
mode: "alwaysOn",
data: [errorCode: 6, failCommands: ["commitTransaction"], errorLabels: ["TransientTransactionError"]]


iex> {:ok, _doc} = Mongo.admin_command(top, cmd)

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aggregate(topology_pid, coll, pipeline, opts \\ [])

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Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline.

For all options see Options

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causal_consistency(topology_pid, fun, opts \\ [])

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Convenient function to execute write and read operation with a causal consistency session.

With causally consistent sessions, MongoDB executes causal operations in an order that respect their causal relationships, and clients observe results that are consistent with the causal relationships.


{:ok, 0} = Mongo.causal_consistency(top, fn ->
    Mongo.delete_many(top, "dogs", %{name: "Greta"}, w: :majority)
    Mongo.count(top, "dogs", %{name: "Greta"}, read_concern: %{level: :majority})

The function creates a causal consistency session and stores it in the process dictionary under the key :session. But you need to specify the write and read concerns for each operation to :majority

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command(topology_pid, cmd, opts \\ [])

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Issue a database command. If the command has parameters use a keyword list for the document because the "command key" has to be the first in the document.

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command!(topology_pid, cmd, opts \\ [])

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Similar to command/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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count_documents(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Returns the count of documents that would match a find/4 query.


  • :limit - Maximum number of documents to fetch with the cursor
  • :skip - Number of documents to skip before returning the first
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count_documents!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Similar to count_documents/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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create(topology_pid, coll, opts \\ [])

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create(GenServer.server(), collection(), Keyword.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Explicitly creates a collection or view.

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create_indexes(topology_pid, coll, indexes, opts \\ [])

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create_indexes(GenServer.server(), String.t(), [Keyword.t()], Keyword.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Convenient function to creates new indexes in the collection coll. The indexes parameter is a list with all options for creating indexes in the MongoDB.

See options about the details of each parameter.

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delete_many(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Remove all documents matching the filter from the collection.

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delete_many!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Similar to delete_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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delete_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Remove a document matching the filter from the collection.

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delete_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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Similar to delete_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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distinct(topology_pid, coll, field, filter, opts \\ [])

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Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a collection.


  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and
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distinct!(topology_pid, coll, field, filter, opts \\ [])

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Similar to distinct/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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drop_collection(topology_pid, coll, opts \\ [])

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drop_collection(GenServer.server(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Convenient function that drops the collection coll.

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drop_database(topology_pid, name, opts \\ [])

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Convenient function that drops the database name.

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drop_index(topology_pid, coll, name, opts \\ [])

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drop_index(GenServer.server(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Convenient function that drops the index name in the collection coll.

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estimated_document_count(topology_pid, coll, opts)

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estimated_document_count(GenServer.server(), collection(), Keyword.t()) ::

Estimate the number of documents in a collection using collection metadata.

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estimated_document_count!(topology_pid, coll, opts)

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estimated_document_count!(GenServer.server(), collection(), Keyword.t()) ::

Similar to estimated_document_count/3 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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exec_hello(conn, cmd, opts)

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exec_more_to_come(conn, opts)

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find(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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find(GenServer.server(), collection(), BSON.document(), Keyword.t()) ::
  cursor() | {:error, term()}

Selects documents in a collection and returns a cursor for the selected documents.

For all options see Options

Use the underscore style, for example to set the option singleBatch use single_batch. Another example:

 Mongo.find(top, "jobs", %{}, batch_size: 2)
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find_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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find_one(GenServer.server(), collection(), BSON.document(), Keyword.t()) ::
  BSON.document() | nil | {:error, any()}

Selects a single document in a collection and returns either a document or nil.

If multiple documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first document according to the natural order which reflects the order of documents on the disk.

For all options see Options

Use the underscore style, for example to set the option readConcern use read_concern. Another example:

 Mongo.find_one(top, "jobs", %{}, read_concern: %{level: "local"})
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find_one_and_delete(topology_pid, coll, filter, opts \\ [])

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) ::

Finds a document and deletes it.


  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and higher.
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find_one_and_replace(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

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Finds a document and replaces it.


  • :bypass_document_validation - Allows the write to opt-out of document level validation
  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :return_document - Returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original. Values are :before or :after. (default is :before)
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :upsert - Create a document if no document matches the query or updates the document.
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and higher.
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find_one_and_update(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

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) :: result(Mongo.FindAndModifyResult.t()) | {:ok, nil}

Finds a document and updates it (using atomic modifiers).


  • :bypass_document_validation - Allows the write to opt-out of document level validation
  • :max_time - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run (in MS)
  • :projection - Limits the fields to return for all matching documents.
  • :return_document - Returns the replaced or inserted document rather than the original. Values are :before or :after. (default is :before)
  • :sort - Determines which document the operation modifies if the query selects multiple documents.
  • :upsert - Create a document if no document matches the query or updates the document.
  • :collation - Optionally specifies a collation to use in MongoDB 3.4 and
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insert_many(topology_pid, coll, docs, opts \\ [])

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Insert multiple documents into the collection.

If any of the documents is missing the _id field or it is nil, an ObjectId will be generated, and insertd into the document. Ids of all documents will be returned in the result struct.


For more information about options see Options


Mongo.insert_many(pid, "users", [%{first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith"}, %{first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe"}])
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insert_many!(topology_pid, coll, docs, opts \\ [])

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Similar to insert_many/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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insert_one(topology_pid, coll, doc, opts \\ [])

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Insert a single document into the collection.

If the document is missing the _id field or it is nil, an ObjectId will be generated, inserted into the document, and returned in the result struct.


Mongo.insert_one(pid, "users", %{first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith"})

{:ok, session} = Session.start_session(pid)
Mongo.insert_one(pid, "users", %{first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith"}, session: session)
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insert_one!(topology_pid, coll, doc, opts \\ [])

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Similar to insert_one/4 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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issue_command(topology_pid, cmd, atom, opts)

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This function is very fundamental.


limits(GenServer.server()) :: {:ok, BSON.document()} | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Returns the limits of the database.


{:ok, top} = Mongo.start_link(...)

{:ok, %{
   compression: nil,
   logical_session_timeout: 30,
   max_bson_object_size: 16777216,
   max_message_size_bytes: 48000000,
   max_wire_version: 8,
   max_write_batch_size: 100000,
   read_only: false
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list_index_names(topology_pid, coll, opts \\ [])

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list_index_names(GenServer.server(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: cursor()

Convenient function that returns a cursor with the names of the indexes.

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list_indexes(topology_pid, coll, opts \\ [])

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list_indexes(GenServer.server(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: cursor()

Returns a cursor to enumerate all indexes


object_id() :: BSON.ObjectId.t()

Generates a new BSON.ObjectId.


Sends a ping command to the server.

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rename_collection(topology_pid, collection, to, opts \\ [])

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rename_collection(GenServer.server(), collection(), collection(), Keyword.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Changes the name of an existing collection. Specify collection names to rename_collection in the form of a complete namespace (<database>.<collection>).

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replace_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

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Replace a single document matching the filter with the new document.


  • :upsert - if set to true creates a new document when no document matches the filter (default: false)
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replace_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, replacement, opts \\ [])

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Similar to replace_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

In case of retryable reads are enabled, the keyword :read_counter is added with the value of 1.

In other cases like

  • :retryable_reads is false or nil
  • :session is nil
  • :read_counter is nil

the opts is unchanged


iex> Mongo.retryable_reads([retryable_reads: true]) [retryable_reads: true, read_counter: 1]

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retryable_writes(opts, bool)

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In case of retryable writes are enabled, the keyword :write_counter is added with the value of 1.

In other cases like

  • :retryable_writes is false or nil
  • :session is nil
  • :write_counter is nil

the opts is unchanged


iex> Mongo.retryable_writes([retryable_writes: true], true) [retryable_writes: true, write_counter: 1]

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show_collections(topology_pid, opts \\ [])

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show_collections(GenServer.server(), Keyword.t()) :: cursor()

Getting Collection Names


start_link(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, pid()} | {:error, Mongo.Error.t() | atom()}

Start and link to a database connection process.


  • :database - The database to use (required)
  • :hostname - The host to connect to (require)
  • :port - The port to connect to your server (default: 27017)
  • :url - A mongo connection url. Can be used in place of :hostname and :database (optional)
  • :socket_dir - Connect to MongoDB via UNIX sockets in the given directory. The socket name is derived based on the port. This is the preferred method for configuring sockets and it takes precedence over the hostname. If you are connecting to a socket outside of the MongoDB convection, use :socket instead.
  • :socket - Connect to MongoDB via UNIX sockets in the given path. This option takes precedence over :hostname and :socket_dir.
  • :database (optional)
  • :seeds - A list of host names in the cluster. Can be used in place of :hostname (optional)
  • :username - The User to connect with (optional)
  • :password - The password to connect with (optional)
  • :auth_source - The database to authenticate against
  • :appname - The name of the application used the driver for the MongoDB-Handshake
  • :set_name - The name of the replica set to connect to (required if connecting to a replica set)
  • :type - a hint of the topology type. See initial_type/0 for valid values (default: :unknown)
  • :idle - The idle strategy, :passive to avoid checkin when idle and :active to checking when idle (default: :passive)
  • :idle_timeout - The idle timeout to ping the database (default: 1_000)
  • :connect_timeout - The maximum timeout for the initial connection (default: 5_000)
  • :backoff_min - The minimum backoff interval (default: 1_000)
  • :backoff_max - The maximum backoff interval (default: 30_000)
  • :backoff_type - The backoff strategy, :stop for no backoff and to stop, :exp of exponential, :rand for random and :ran_exp for random exponential (default: :rand_exp)
  • :after_connect - A function to run on connect use run/3. Either a 1-arity fun, {module, function, args} with DBConnection.t, prepended to args or nil (default: nil)
  • :auth_mechanism - options for the mongo authentication mechanism, currently only supports :x509 atom as a value
  • :ssl - Set to true if ssl should be used (default: false)
  • :ssl_opts - A list of ssl options, see the ssl docs

Error Reasons

  • :single_topology_multiple_hosts - A topology of :single was set but multiple hosts were given
  • :set_name_bad_topology - A :set_name was given but the topology was set to something other than :replica_set_no_primary or :single


timestamp(DateTime.t()) :: BSON.Timestamp.t()

Converts the DataTime to a MongoDB timestamp.

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transaction(topology_pid, fun, opts \\ [])

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Convenient function for running multiple write commands in a transaction.

In case of TransientTransactionError or UnknownTransactionCommitResult the function will retry the whole transaction or the commit of the transaction. You can specify a timeout (:transaction_retry_timeout_s) to limit the time of repeating. The default value is 120 seconds. If you don't wait so long, you call with_transaction with the option transaction_retry_timeout_s: 10. In this case after 10 seconds of retrying, the function will return an error.


{:ok, ids} = Mongo.transaction(top, fn ->
{:ok, %InsertOneResult{:inserted_id => id1}} = Mongo.insert_one(top, "dogs", %{name: "Greta"})
{:ok, %InsertOneResult{:inserted_id => id2}} = Mongo.insert_one(top, "dogs", %{name: "Waldo"})
{:ok, %InsertOneResult{:inserted_id => id3}} = Mongo.insert_one(top, "dogs", %{name: "Tom"})
{:ok, [id1, id2, id3]}
end, transaction_retry_timeout_s: 10)

If transaction/3 is called inside another transaction, the function is simply executed, without wrapping the new transaction call in any way. If there is an error in the inner transaction and the error is rescued, or the inner transaction is aborted (abort_transaction/1), the whole outer transaction is aborted, guaranteeing nothing will be committed.

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update(topology_pid, coll, updates, opts)

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Performs one or more update operations.

This function is especially useful for more complex update operations (e.g. upserting multiple documents). For more straightforward use cases you may prefer to use these higher level APIs:

Each update in updates may be specified using either the short-hand Mongo-style syntax (in reference to their docs) or using a long-hand, Elixir friendly syntax.


e.g. long-hand query becomes short-hand q, snake case array_filters becomes arrayFilters

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update_many(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

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Update all documents matching the filter.

Uses MongoDB update operators to specify the updates. For more information and all options please refer to the MongoDB documentation

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update_many!(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

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Similar to update_many/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.

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update_one(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

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Update a single document matching the filter.

Uses MongoDB update operators to specify the updates. For more information please refer to the MongoDB documentation


  %{"filter_field": "filter_value"},
  %{"$set": %{"modified_field": "new_value"}})


  • :upsert - if set to true creates a new document when no document matches the filter (default: false)
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update_one!(topology_pid, coll, filter, update, opts \\ [])

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Similar to update_one/5 but unwraps the result and raises on error.


uuid() :: BSON.Binary.t()

Creates a new UUID.


uuid(any()) :: {:ok, BSON.Binary.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Converts the binary to UUID


iex> Mongo.uuid("848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66ac6b328242")
{:ok, #BSON.UUID<848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66ac6b328242>}

iex> Mongo.uuid("848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66ac6b328242x")
{:error, %ArgumentError{message: "invalid UUID string"}}

iex> Mongo.uuid("848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66-c6b328242")
{:error, %ArgumentError{message: "non-alphabet digit found: "-" (byte 45)"}}

Similar to uuid/1 except it will unwrap the error tuple and raise in case of errors.


iex> Mongo.uuid!("848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66ac6b328242")

iex> Mongo.uuid!("848e90e9-5750-4e0a-ab73-66ac6b328242x")
** (ArgumentError) invalid UUID string
(mongodb_driver 0.6.4) lib/mongo.ex:205: Mongo.uuid!/1
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watch_collection(topology_pid, coll, pipeline, on_resume_token \\ nil, opts \\ [])

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  collection() | 1,
  (... -> any()) | nil,
) :: cursor()

Creates a change stream cursor on collections.

on_resume_token is function that takes the new resume token, if it changed.


  • :full_document -
  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds. This option is used on getMore commands
  • :batch_size - Specifies the number of maximum number of documents to return (default: 1)
  • :resume_after - Specifies the logical starting point for the new change stream.
  • :start_at_operation_time - The change stream will only provide changes that occurred at or after the specified timestamp (since 4.0)
  • :start_after - Similar to resumeAfter, this option takes a resume token and starts a new change stream returning the first notification after the token. This will allow users to watch collections that have been dropped and recreated or newly renamed collections without missing any notifications. (since 4.0.7)
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watch_db(topology_pid, pipeline, on_resume_token \\ nil, opts \\ [])

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  (... -> any()) | nil,
) :: cursor()

Creates a change stream cursor all collections of the database.

on_resume_token is function that takes the new resume token, if it changed.


  • :full_document -
  • :max_time - Specifies a time limit in milliseconds. This option is used on getMore commands
  • :batch_size - Specifies the number of maximum number of documents to return (default: 1)
  • :resume_after - Specifies the logical starting point for the new change stream.
  • :start_at_operation_time - The change stream will only provide changes that occurred at or after the specified timestamp (since 4.0)
  • :start_after - Similar to resumeAfter, this option takes a resume token and starts a new change stream returning the first notification after the token. This will allow users to watch collections that have been dropped and recreated or newly renamed collections without missing any notifications. (since 4.0.7)
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wire_version(GenServer.server()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, Mongo.Error.t()}

Returns the wire version of the database


{:ok, top} = Mongo.start_link(...)

{:ok, 8}