API Reference nosedrum v0.6.0


nosedrum is a command framework for use with the excellent nostrum library.

The application command behaviour specifies the interface that a slash, user, or message command module should implement.

Conversion from command arguments to various types.

User interaction helpers that don't fit into their own module.

A cache for recent messages sent on guilds.

An Agent-based message cache.

An ETS-table based message cache.

Storages keep track of your Application Command names and their associated modules.

An implementation of Nosedrum.Storage, dispatching Application Command Interactions to the appropriate modules.

The command behaviour specifies the interface that a command module should implement.

Invoker modules process messages from Discord.

Built-in command predicates and predicate evaluation.

Storages contain commands and are used by command invokers to look up commands.

An implementation of the Nosedrum.TextCommand.Storage behaviour based on ETS tables.