View Source Writing Plugins
Oban supports the use of plugins to extend its base functionality. A plugin is
any module that begins a process and exposes a start_link/1
function. That
means a plugin may be a GenServer
, an Agent
, a Task
, or any other OTP
behaviour that manages a process. Realistically you'll want a long lived process
to complement Oban's behaviour, which makes a GenServer
or GenStateMachine
Upon startup, Oban dynamically injects each plugin into its supervision tree and passes a few base options along with any custom configuration for the plugin.
Every plugin receives these base options:
— AnOban.Config
struct, which contains all of the options provided toOban.start_link/1
in a validated and normalized form.:name
— A unique via tuple scoped to the current supervision tree. The name may be used later to support helper/interface functions.
Example Plugin
Let's look at a tiny example plugin to get a feel for how options are passed in
and how they run. Our plugin will periodically generate a table of counts for
each queue
/ state
combination and then print it out. It isn't an amazingly
useful plugin, but it demonstrates how to handle options, work with the
struct, and periodically interact with the oban_jobs
defmodule MyApp.Plugins.Breakdown do
@behaviour Oban.Plugin
use GenServer
import Ecto.Query, only: [group_by: 3, select: 3]
@impl Oban.Plugin
def start_link(opts) do
name = Keyword.get(opts, :name, __MODULE__)
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: name)
@impl Oban.Plugin
def validate(opts) do
Oban.Validation.validate(opts, fn
{:conf, _} -> :ok
{:name, _} -> :ok
{:interval, interval} when is_integer(interval) -> :ok
{:interval, _} -> {:error, "expected interval to be an integer"}
@impl GenServer
def init(opts) do
state =
{:ok, schedule_poll(state)}
@impl GenServer
def handle_info(:poll, %{conf: conf} = state) do
breakdown =
|> group_by([j], [j.queue, j.state])
|> select([j], {j.queue, j.state, count(})
{:noreply, schedule_poll(state)}
defp schedule_poll(%{interval: interval} = state) do
Process.send_after(self(), :poll, interval)
The plugin's start_link/1
function expects a keyword list with :name
, and :interval
values. After extracting the :name
for process
registration, it passes the options through to init/1
. The init
converts the keyword list of options into a map for easier access and then
begins a polling loop.
Each iteration of the loop will query the oban_jobs
table and print out a list
of {queue, state, count}
tuples like this:
{"default", "executing", 8},
{"default", "retryable", 1},
{"default", "completed", 3114},
{"default", "discarded", 1},
{"events", "scheduled", 3},
{"events", "executing", 21},
{"events", "retryable", 2},
{"events", "completed", 1783},
{"events", "discarded", 1},
Now all that is left is to adding the Breakdown
module to Oban's plugin list:
config :my_app, Oban,
plugins: [
{MyApp.Plugins.Breakdown, interval: :timer.seconds(10)}
In the configuration we're only providing the :interval
value. Oban injects
the :name
and :conf
Calling Interface Functions
Plugins are named dynamically using via
tuples, which is an effective way to
manage process registration for multiple unique Oban instances. However, it
makes writing interface functions for plugins a little more complicated. The
solution is to make use of the Oban.Registry
for process discovery.
Imagine adding a pause
interface function to the Breakdown
plugin we built
alias Oban.Registry
def pause(oban_name \\ Oban) do
|> Registry.whereis({:plugin, __MODULE__})
The function accepts an oban_name
argument with a default of Oban
, which is
the default name for an Oban supervision tree. It then calls whereis/2
with a
{:plugin, plugin_name}
tuple and uses the returned pid
to call the plugin
You can then call pause/1
from elsewhere in the application:
# or
Plugins run directly within Oban's supervision tree. A badly behaving plugin, e.g. a plugin that crashes repeatedly, may bring down the entire supervision tree. Be sure that your plugin has safety mechanisms in place to prevent repeated crashes during startup.