View Source Error Handling

This page guides you through handling and reporting errors in Oban.

Jobs can fail in expected or unexpected ways. To mark a job as failed, you can return {:error, reason} from a worker's perform/1 callback, as documented in the Oban.Worker.result/0 type. A job can also fail because of unexpected raised errors or exits.

In any case, when a job fails the details of the failure are recorded in the errors array on the Oban.Job struct.

Error Details

Oban stores execution errors as a list of maps (Oban.Job.errors/0). Each error contains the following keys:

  • :at — The UTC timestamp when the error occurred at
  • :attempt — The attempt number when the error occurred
  • :error — A formatted error message and stacktrace

See the Instrumentation docs for an example of integrating with external error reporting systems.


When a job fails and the number of execution attempts is below the configured max_attempts limit for that job, the job will automatically be retried in the future. If the number of failures reaches max_attempts, the job gets discarded.

The retry delay has an exponential backoff with jitter. This means that the delay between attempts grows exponentially (8s, 16s, and so on), and a randomized "jitter" is introduced for each attempt, so that chances of jobs overlapping when being retried go down. So, a job could be retried after 7.3s, then 17.1s, and so on.

See the Oban.Worker documentation on "Customizing Backoff" for alternative backoff strategies.

Limiting Retries

By default, jobs are retried up to 20 times. The number of retries is controlled by the :max_attempts value, which can be set at the worker or job level. For example, to instruct a worker to discard jobs after three failures:

use Oban.Worker, queue: :limited, max_attempts: 3

Reporting Errors

Another great use of execution data and instrumentation is error reporting. Here is an example of an event handler module that integrates with Honeybadger to report job failures:

defmodule MyApp.ErrorReporter do
  def attach do
      [:oban, :job, :exception],

  def handle_event([:oban, :job, :exception], measure, meta, _) do
    Honeybadger.notify(meta.reason, stacktrace: meta.stacktrace)

# Attach it with:

You can use exception events to send error reports to Sentry, AppSignal, Honeybadger, Rollbar, or any other application monitoring platform.

Built-in Reporting

Some error-reporting and application-monitoring services support reporting Oban errors out of the box: