View Source Reporting Job Progress

Most applications provide some way to generate an artifact—something that may take the server a long time to accomplish. If it takes several minutes to render a video, crunch some numbers or generate an export, users may be left wondering whether your application is working. Providing periodic updates to end users assures them that the work is being done and keeps the application feeling responsive.

Reporting progress is something that any background job processor with unlimited execution time can do! Naturally, we'll look at an example built on Oban.

Use Case: Exporting a Large Zip File

Users of our site can export a zip of all the files they have uploaded. A zip file (no, not a tar, our users don't have neck-beards) is generated on the fly, when the user requests it. Lazily generating archives is great for our server's utilization, but it means that users may wait a while when there are many files. Fortunately, we know how many files will be included in the zip and we can use that information to send progress reports! We will compute the archive's percent complete as each file is added and push a message to the user.

Before We Start

In the forum question that prompted this guide the work was done externally by a port process. Working with ports is well outside the scope of this guide, so I've modified it for the sake of simplicity. The result is slightly contrived as it puts both processes within the same module, which isn't necessary if the only goal is to broadcast progress. This guide is ultimately about coordinating processes to report progress from a background job, so that's what we'll focus on (everything else will be rather hand-wavy).

Coordinating Processes

Our worker, the creatively titled ZippingWorker, handles both building the archive and reporting progress to the client. Showing the entire module at once felt distracting, so we'll start with only the module definition and the perform/1 function:

defmodule MyApp.Workers.ZippingWorker do
  use Oban.Worker, queue: :exports, max_attempts: 1

  alias MyApp.{Endpoint, Zipper}

  def perform(%_{args: %{"channel" => channel, "paths" => paths}}) do

  # ...

The function accepts an Oban Job with a channel name and a list of file paths, which it immediately passes on to the private build_zip/1:

  defp build_zip(paths) do
    job_pid = self()

    Task.async(fn ->
      zip_path =

      |> Enum.with_index(1)
      |> Enum.each(fn {path, index} ->
        :ok = Zipper.add_file(zip_path, path)
        send(job_pid, {:progress, trunc(index / length(paths) * 100)})

      send(job_pid, {:complete, zip_path})

The function grabs the current pid, which belongs to the job, and kicks off an asynchronous task to handle the zipping. With a few calls to a fictional Zipper module the task works through each file path, adding it to the zip. After adding a file the task sends a :progress message with the percent complete back to the job. Finally, when the zip finishes, the task sends a :complete message with a path to the archive.

The asynchronous call spawns a separate process and returns immediately. In order for the task to finish building the zip we need to wait on it. Typically we'd use Task.await/2, but we'll use a custom receive loop to track the task's progress:

  defp await_zip(channel) do
    receive do
      {:progress, percent} ->
        Endpoint.broadcast(channel, "zip:progress", percent)

      {:complete, zip_path} ->
        Endpoint.broadcast(channel, "zip:complete", zip_path)
      30_000 ->
        Endpoint.broadcast(channel, "zip:failed", "zipping failed")
        raise RuntimeError, "no progress after 30s"

The receive loop blocks execution while it waits for :progress or :complete messages. When a message comes in it broadcasts to the provided channel and the client receives an update (this example uses Phoenix Channels, but any other PubSub type mechanism would work). As a safety mechanism we have an after clause that will timeout after 30 seconds of inactivity. If the receive block times out we notify the client and raise an error, failing the job.

Made Possible by Unlimited Execution

Reporting progress asynchronously works in Oban because anything that blocks a worker's perform/1 function will keep the job executing. Jobs aren't executed inside of a transaction, which alleviates any limitations on how long a job can run.

This technique is suitable for any single long running job where an end user is waiting on the results. Consider using Oban Pro's Batch jobs if you need to combine multiple jobs into a single output.