View Source OffBroadway.Splunk.SplunkClient (off_broadway_splunk v2.1.2)

Default Splunk client used by OffBroadway.Splunk.Producer to receive data from Splunk. This module implements the OffBroadway.Splunk.Client and Broadway.Acknowledger behaviours which define callbacks for receiving and acknowledging messages. Since Splunk does not have any concept of acknowledging consumed messages, we need to keep track of what messages that are consumed ourselves (more on that later).

The default Splunk client uses the Splunk Web API for receiving messages and is implemented using the Tesla library. Tesla is a HTTP client abstraction library which let's us easily select from a range of HTTP adapters. Please see the Tesla documentation for more information.



Returns a Tesla.Client configured with middleware.


@spec client(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Tesla.Client.t()

Returns a Tesla.Client configured with middleware.