View Source OffBroadway.Splunk

pipeline status

A Splunk consumer for Broadway.

Broadway producer acts as a consumer for a given Splunk report or (triggered) alert. The OffBroadway.Splunk.Producer process will query Splunk for available jobs for the given report and keep them in a queue. Jobs wil then be processed sequentially (from earliest to latest) and passed through the Broadway pipeline.

Read the full documentation here.


This package is available in Hex, and can be installed by adding off_broadway_splunk to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:off_broadway_splunk, "~> 2.0"}


The OffBroadway.Splunk.SplunkClient tries to read the following configuration from config.exs.

# config.exs

config :off_broadway_splunk, :splunk_client,
  base_url: System.get_env("SPLUNK_BASE_URL", ""),
  api_token: System.get_env("SPLUNK_API_TOKEN", "your-api-token-here")

Options for the OffBroadway.Splunk.SplunkClient can be configured either in config.exs or passed as options directly to the OffBroadway.Splunk.Producer module. Options are merged, with the passed options taking precedence over those configured in config.exs.

# my_broadway.ex

defmodule MyBroadway do
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message

  def start_link(_opts) do
      name: __MODULE__,
      producer: [
           name: "My fine report",
           config: [api_token: "override-api-token"]}
      processors: [
        default: []
      batchers: [
        default: [
          batch_size: 500,
          batch_timeout: 5000


Processing messages

In order to process incoming messages, we need to implement some callback functions.

defmodule MyBroadway do
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message


  @impl true
  def handle_message(_, %Message{data: data} ,_) do
    |> Message.update_data(fn -> ...whatever... end)

  @impl true
  def handle_batch(_batcher, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
    IO.puts("Received a batch of #{length(messages)} messages!")

For the sake of the example, we're not really doing anything here. Whenever we're receiving a batch of messages, we just prints out a message saying "Received a batch of messages!", and for each message we run Message.update_data/2 passing a function that can process that message ie. by doing some calculations on the data or something else.