View Source Changelog

2.1.1 - Patch release

Released 2023-12-28

Minor fixes

  • Generate unique message IDs using the _bkt and _cd metadata fields.

2.1.1 - Patch release

Released 2023-12-07

Minor fixes

  • Make the producer accept {:error, reason} tuples as response from API client. Whenever this occurs, simply reschedule a fetch after receive_interval milliseconds.

2.1.0 - Minor release

Released 2023-12-06


  • Add new option only_new to skip consuming any existing jobs. The pipeline will ignore currently known jobs, and only consume new jobs that arrives after the pipeline has started.
  • Add new option only_latest to only consume the most recent job for given report or alert.


  • Remove OffBroadway.Splunk.Queue GenServer process and keep the queue in the producer. This makes the producer process fully self-contained and we no longer need to communicate with another process to know what job we should produce messages for.
  • New telemetry events [:off_broadway_splunk, :process_job, :start] and [:off_broadway_splunk, :process_job, :stop] are generated whenever a new job is started.
  • Log error and return empty list of messages when receiving an {:error, reason} tuple while trying to fetch messages from Splunk.

2.0.0 - Major release

Released 2023-05-23

This almost a complete rewrite and is incompatible with the v1.x branch. Instead of targeting a specific SID to produce messages for, this release is focused around producing messages from Splunk Reports or (triggered) Alerts. This is a more efficient way to prepare data for export by Splunk, and produces more predictable messages both in terms of when they are available and the structure of the data in the messages.

Instead of passing a SID to the producer option, simply pass the name for your report or alert. The OffBroadway.Splunk.Queue process will query the Splunk Web API and fetch a list of available jobs that can produce messages for the given report or alert.


  • Replace sid option with name. Pipelines should now be given the name of a report or alert.
  • Remove endpoint option. All messages will be downloaded using the results endpoint.
  • Remove offset option, as it is only available for the events endpoint.
  • Add refetch_intervaloption. This is the amount in milliseconds the OffBroadway.Splunk.Queue process will wait before refetching the list of available jobs.


  • Add OffBroadway.Splunk.Queue GenServer process that will start as part of the pipeline supervision tree.
  • Remove OffBroadway.Splunk.Leader GenServer process as it is not usable anymore.
  • Refactored OffBroadway.Splunk.Producer and OffBroadway.Splunk.SplunkClient to new workflow.
  • Updated telemetry events to new workflow.

1.2.4 - Patch release

Released 2023-04-20

Bug fixes

  • Using state.is_done proved unreliable when consuming certain jobs. Replaced calculation of retry timings to be based on receive_interval.
  • Fixed typings for OffBroadway.Splunk.Leader struct.

1.2.3 - Patch release

Released 2023-04-05

Minor fixes

1.2.2 - Patch release

Released 2023-04-03

Minor fixes

1.2.1 - Patch release

Released 2023-03-28

Upgrade accepted dependencies

  • Accept nimble_options version v1.0

1.2.0 - Minor release

Released 2023-01-23

Added new options

  • api_version - Configures if messages should be produced from the v1 or v2 versioned API endpoints.

Upgrade accepted dependencies

  • Accept telemetry version 1.1 or 1.2
  • Accept tesla version 1.4 or 1.5

1.1.1 - Minor release

Released 2023-01-16

Added new options

  • shutdown_timeout - Configurable number of milliseconds Broadway should wait before timing out when trying to stop the pipeline.
  • endpoint - Choose to consume messages using the events or results endpoint of the Splunk Web API.
  • offset - Allow passing a custom initial offset to start consuming messages from. Passing a negative value will cause the pipeline to consume messages from the "end" of the results.
  • max_events - If set to a positive integer, shut down the pipeline after producing this many messages.

1.1.0 - Initial release

Released 2022-10-28

The first release targeted consuming a single SID (Search ID) produced by saving a triggered alert.