open_api_spex v3.4.0 OpenApiSpex.Operation View Source

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Operation.t type.

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Cast params to the types defined by the schemas of the operation parameters and requestBody

Constructs an Operation struct from plug module and opts

Constructs an Operation struct from the plug and opts specified in the given route

Shorthand for constructing a Parameter name, location, type, description and optional examples

Shorthand for constructing a RequestBody with description, media_type, schema and optional examples

Shorthand for constructing a Response with description, media_type, schema and optional examples

Validate params against the schemas of the operation parameters and requestBody

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t() View Source
t() :: %OpenApiSpex.Operation{
  callbacks: %{
    optional(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Callback.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t()
  deprecated: boolean(),
  description: String.t() | nil,
  externalDocs: OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation.t() | nil,
  operationId: String.t() | nil,
  parameters: [OpenApiSpex.Parameter.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t()],
  requestBody: OpenApiSpex.RequestBody.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t() | nil,
  responses: OpenApiSpex.Responses.t(),
  security: [OpenApiSpex.SecurityRequirement.t()] | nil,
  servers: [OpenApiSpex.Server.t()] | nil,
  summary: String.t() | nil,
  tags: [String.t()]

Operation Object

Describes a single API operation on a path.

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cast(operation, conn, content_type, schemas) View Source
cast(OpenApiSpex.Operation.t(), Conn.t(), String.t() | nil, %{
  optional(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Schema.t()
}) :: {:ok, Plug.Conn.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Cast params to the types defined by the schemas of the operation parameters and requestBody

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from_plug(plug, opts) View Source
from_plug(module(), any()) :: t()

Constructs an Operation struct from plug module and opts

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from_route(route) View Source
from_route(PathItem.route()) :: t()

Constructs an Operation struct from the plug and opts specified in the given route

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parameter(name, location, type, description, opts \\ []) View Source

Shorthand for constructing a Parameter name, location, type, description and optional examples

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request_body(description, media_type, schema_ref, opts \\ []) View Source

Shorthand for constructing a RequestBody with description, media_type, schema and optional examples

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response(description, media_type, schema_ref, opts \\ []) View Source

Shorthand for constructing a Response with description, media_type, schema and optional examples

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validate(operation, conn, content_type, schemas) View Source
validate(OpenApiSpex.Operation.t(), Conn.t(), String.t() | nil, %{
  optional(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Schema.t()
}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Validate params against the schemas of the operation parameters and requestBody