View Source OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI (open_api_spex v3.20.1)

Module plug that serves SwaggerUI.

The full path to the API spec must be given as a plug option. The API spec should be served at the given path, see OpenApiSpex.Plug.RenderSpec


Configuring SwaggerUI

SwaggerUI can be configured through plug opts. All options will be converted from snake_case to camelCase and forwarded to the SwaggerUIBundle constructor. See the swagger-ui configuration docs for details. Should dynamic configuration be required, the config_url option can be set to an API endpoint that will provide additional config.



scope "/" do
  pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack

  get "/", MyAppWeb.PageController, :index
  get "/swaggerui", OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI,
    path: "/api/openapi",
    default_model_expand_depth: 3,
    display_operation_id: true

# Other scopes may use custom stacks.
scope "/api" do
  pipe_through :api
  resources "/users", MyAppWeb.UserController, only: [:index, :create, :show]
  get "/openapi", OpenApiSpex.Plug.RenderSpec, :show

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get_nonce(conn, config, type)

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Initializes the plug.



  • :path - Required. The URL path to the API definition.
  • :oauth - Optional. Config to pass to the SwaggerUIBundle.initOAuth() function.
  • :csp_nonce_assign_key - Optional. An assign key to find the CSP nonce value used for assets. Supports either atom() or a map of type %{optional(:script) => atom(), optional(:style) => atom()}. You will probably want to set this on the SwaggerUIOAuth2Redirect plug as well.
  • all other opts - forwarded to the SwaggerUIBundle constructor



get "/swaggerui", OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI,
  path: "/api/openapi",
  default_model_expand_depth: 3,
  display_operation_id: true,
  csp_nonce_assign_key: %{script: :script_src_nonce, style: :style_src_nonce}