API Reference open_api_spex v3.20.0



Provides the entry-points for defining schemas, validating and casting.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Callback.t type.

Cast and validate a value against an OpenApiSpex schema

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Discriminator.t type.

OpenApiSpex Cast Error

This module will cast a binary to either an Elixir DateTime or Date. Otherwise it will validate a binary based on maxLength, minLength, or a Regex pattern passed through the schema struct.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Components.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Contact.t type.

Generation of OpenAPI documentation via ExDoc documentation and tags.

Macros for defining operation specs, shared operation tags, and shared security specs in a Phoenix controller.

This module is deprecated.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Discriminator.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Encoding.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Example.t type.

Export spec in specified encoding

Defines the OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Header.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Info.t type.

Schema for the default error renderer used by OpenApiSpex.Plug.CastAndValidate.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.License.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Link.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.MediaType.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.OAuthFlow.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.OAuthFlows.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.t type and the behaviour for application modules that construct an OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.t at runtime.

This module exposes functionality to convert an arbitrary map into a OpenApi struct.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Operation.t type.

Casts and validates a request from a Plug conn.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Parameter.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.PathItem.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Paths.t type.

A cache implementation leveraging Application env.

Cache for OpenApiSpex API specs.

Module plug that will cast the Conn.params and Conn.body_params according to the schemas defined for the operation. Note that when using this plug, the body params are no longer merged into Conn.params and must be read from Conn.body_params separately.

Module plug that will cast and validate the Conn.params and Conn.body_params according to the schemas defined for the operation. Note that when using this plug, the body params are no longer merged into Conn.params and must be read from Conn.body_params separately.

Renders errors using a quasi-json:api-compliant data shape.

A cache adapter to disable caching. Intended to be used in development.

A cache leveraging :persistent_term.

Module plug that calls a given module to obtain the Api Spec and store it as private in the Conn.

Renders the API spec as a JSON response.

Module plug that serves SwaggerUI.

This plug will handle the callback from an OAuth server

Module plug that validates params against the schema defined for an operation.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Reference.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.RequestBody.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Response.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Responses.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Schema.t type and operations for casting and validating against a schema.

Rules of API Schema consistency. If these rules are not followed, tricky run-time bugs may appear. Related issues: #144

Internal module used to resolve OpenApiSpex.Schema structs from atoms.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.SecurityRequirement.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.SecurityScheme.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Server.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.ServerVariable.t type.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Tag.t type.

Defines helpers for testing API responses and examples against API spec schemas.

Defines helpers for testing API responses and examples against API spec schemas.

Defines helpers for testing API responses and examples against API spec schemas.

Defines the OpenApiSpex.Xml.t type.


Mix Tasks

Serialize the given OpenApi spec module to a JSON file.

Serialize the given OpenApi spec module to a YAML file.