Opus.Telemetry (Opus v0.8.4) View Source
Emits telemetry events.
To enable this instrumentation module, update your config/config.exs file with:
config :opus, :instrumentation, [Opus.Telemetry]
Telemetry Events
[:opus, :pipeline, :start]
- emitted when a pipeline module is called.- Measurement:
%{time: System.system_time()}
- Metadata:
%{pipeline: String.t()}
- Measurement:
[:opus, :pipeline, :stage, :stop]
- emitted at the end of a stage.- Measurement:
%{duration: pos_integer()}
- Metadata:
%{pipeline: String.t(), stage: String.t()}
- Measurement:
[:opus, :pipeline, :stop]
- emitted when a pipeline has been completed.- Measurement:
%{duration: pos_integer(), success: boolean()}
- Metadata:
%{pipeline: String.t()}
- Measurement: