View Source Pages (Pages v0.13.2)

Entry point for interacting with pages.

Pages are built around Pages.Driver.t/0 structs. Drivers hold state about the current connection, implement @behavior Pages.Driver and must implement the String.Chars protocol to transform themselves into HTML.


Available drivers

Link to this section Summary


In most cases, when interacting with pages, a new page will be returned (either a %Pages.Driver.LiveView{} or a %Pages.Driver.Conn{}). When actions redirect to an external URL, Pages functions will return a tuple with {:error, :external, url}


Simulates clicking on an element at selector with title title. Set the method param to :post to click on a link that has data-method=post.

Instantiates a new page.

Render a change to the element at selector with the value value. See Phoenix.LiveViewTest.render_change/2 for a description of the value field.

Sends a hook event to the live view.

Performs an upload of a file input and renders the result. See Phoenix.LiveViewTest.file_input/4 for a description of the upload field.

Re-renders the page.

Submits a form without specifying any attributes. This function will submit any values currently set in the form HTML.

Fills in a form with attributes and submits it. Hidden parameters can by send by including a fifth enumerable.

Updates fields in a form with attributes without submitting it.

Visits path.

Finds a phoenix component with an id matching child_id, and passes it to the given function. This is helpful when a site implements stateful LiveView components, and messages should be directed to a process other than the parent LiveView pid.

Link to this section Types

@type attrs_t() :: Keyword.t() | map()
@type http_method() :: :get | :post
@type live_view_upload() :: %Phoenix.LiveViewTest.Upload{
  cid: term(),
  config: term(),
  element: term(),
  entries: term(),
  pid: term(),
  ref: term(),
  selector: term(),
  view: term()
@type page_type_t() :: :live_view
@type result() :: Pages.Driver.t() | {:error, :external, Path.t()}

In most cases, when interacting with pages, a new page will be returned (either a %Pages.Driver.LiveView{} or a %Pages.Driver.Conn{}). When actions redirect to an external URL, Pages functions will return a tuple with {:error, :external, url}

@type text_filter() :: binary() | Regex.t()

Link to this section Functions

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@spec clear_connect_params(Pages.Driver.t()) :: result()

Clears out any params set via Phoenix.LiveViewTest.put_connect_params/2

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click(page, title, selector)

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click(page, method, title, selector)

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Simulates clicking on an element at selector with title title. Set the method param to :post to click on a link that has data-method=post.

@spec new(Plug.Conn.t()) :: result()

Instantiates a new page.

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render_change(page, selector, value)

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@spec render_change(Pages.Driver.t(), HtmlQuery.Css.selector(), Enum.t()) :: result()

Render a change to the element at selector with the value value. See Phoenix.LiveViewTest.render_change/2 for a description of the value field.

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render_hook(page, event, value_attrs, opts \\ [])

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@spec render_hook(Pages.Driver.t(), binary(), attrs_t(), keyword()) :: result()

Sends a hook event to the live view.



pageThe current page struct.
eventThe event name to send to handle_event.
value_attrsA map of params to send to handle_event.
optsAn optional keyword list of options.



targetThe selector of an embedded live componont to receive the event. Example: #sub-module

See Phoenix.LiveViewTest.render_hook/3 for more information.

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render_upload(page, upload, entry_name, percent \\ 100)

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@spec render_upload(Pages.Driver.t(), live_view_upload(), binary(), integer()) ::

Performs an upload of a file input and renders the result. See Phoenix.LiveViewTest.file_input/4 for a description of the upload field.

@spec rerender(Pages.Driver.t()) :: result()

Re-renders the page.

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submit_form(page, selector)

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@spec submit_form(Pages.Driver.t(), HtmlQuery.Css.selector()) :: result()

Submits a form without specifying any attributes. This function will submit any values currently set in the form HTML.

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submit_form(page, selector, schema, attrs)

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@spec submit_form(Pages.Driver.t(), HtmlQuery.Css.selector(), atom(), attrs_t()) ::

Fills in a form with attributes and submits it. Hidden parameters can by send by including a fifth enumerable.



pageThe current page struct.
selectorA CSS selector matching the form.
schemaAn atom representing the schema of the form. Attributes will be nested under this key when submitted. See Schema.
attrsA map of attributes to send.
hidden_attrsAn optional map or keyword of hidden values to include.



This atom determines the key under which attrs will be nested when sent to the server, and corresponds to the atom which an t:Ecto.Changeset.t/0 serializes to, or the value of :as passed to Phoenix.HTML.Form.form_for/4.



When used with LiveView, this will trigger phx-submit with the specified attributes, and handles phx-trigger-action if present.

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submit_form(page, selector, schema, form_attrs, hidden_attrs)

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@spec submit_form(
) :: result()

See Pages.submit_form/4 for more information.

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update_form(page, selector, schema, attrs, opts \\ [])

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@spec update_form(
) :: result()

Updates fields in a form with attributes without submitting it.



pageThe current page struct.
selectorA CSS selector matching the form.
schemaAn atom representing the schema of the form. Attributes will be nested under this key when submitted. See Schema.
attrsA map of attributes to send.
optsA keyword list of options.



targetlist(binary())A list to be sent in the _target of the form params, indicating which field has been changes.



This atom determines the key under which attrs will be nested when sent to the server, and corresponds to the atom which an t:Ecto.Changeset.t/0 serializes to, or the value of :as passed to Phoenix.HTML.Form.form_for/4.



When used with LiveView, this will trigger phx-change with the specified attributes, and handles phx-trigger-action if present.

@spec visit(Pages.Driver.t(), Path.t()) :: result()

Visits path.

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with_child_component(page, child_id, fun)

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@spec with_child_component(
  child_id :: binary(),
  (Pages.Driver.t() -> term())
) ::

Finds a phoenix component with an id matching child_id, and passes it to the given function. This is helpful when a site implements stateful LiveView components, and messages should be directed to a process other than the parent LiveView pid.



Pages.with_child_component(page, "chat-component", fn child ->
    [test_role: "new-chat-message"],
    contents: "Hi there!")