
Generates an Ecto model in your Phoenix application.

mix phoenix.gen.model User users name:string age:integer

The first argument is the module name followed by its plural name (used for the schema).

The generated model will contain:


The resource fields are given using name:type syntax where type are the types supported by Ecto. Ommitting the type makes it default to :string:

mix phoenix.gen.model User users name age:integer

The generator also supports belongs_to associations:

mix phoenix.gen.model Post posts title user:belongs_to

This will result in a migration with an :integer column of :user_id and create an index. It will also generate the appropriate belongs_to entry in the model’s schema.

Furthermore an array type can also be given if it is supported by your database, although it requires the type of the underlying array element to be given too:

mix phoenix.gen.model User users nicknames:array:string

Namespaced resources

Resources can be namespaced, for such, it is just necessary to namespace the first argument of the generator:

mix phoenix.gen.model Admin.User users name:string age:integer



Callback implementation of Mix.Task.run/1



Callback implementation of Mix.Task.run/1.
