Phoenix v0.14.0
Modules summary ↑
Mix.Tasks.Compile.Phoenix | Compiles Phoenix source files that support code reloading |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Digest | Digests and compress static files |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Gen.Channel | Generates a Phoenix channel |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Gen.Html | Generates a Phoenix resource |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Gen.Json | Generates a Phoenix resource |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Gen.Model | Generates an Ecto model in your Phoenix application |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Routes | Prints all routes for the default or a given router |
Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Server | Starts the application by configuring all endpoints servers to run |
Phoenix | |
Phoenix.Channel | Defines a Phoenix Channel |
Phoenix.Channel.Transport | Handles dispatching incoming and outgoing Channel messages |
Phoenix.ChannelTest | Conveniences for testing Phoenix channels |
Phoenix.CodeReloader | A plug and module to handle automatic code reloading |
Phoenix.ConnTest | Conveniences for testing Phoenix endpoints and connection related helpers |
Phoenix.Controller | Controllers are used to group common functionality in the same (pluggable) module |
Phoenix.Controller.Logger | Plug to handle request logging at the controller level |
Phoenix.Controller.Pipeline | This module implements the controller pipeline responsible for handling requests |
Phoenix.Digester | Digests and compress static files |
Phoenix.Endpoint | Defines a Phoenix endpoint |
Phoenix.Naming | Conveniences for inflecting and working with names in Phoenix |
Phoenix.PubSub | Front-end to Phoenix pubsub layer |
Phoenix.PubSub.Local | PubSub implementation for handling local-node process groups |
Phoenix.PubSub.PG2 | Phoenix PubSub adapter based on PG2 |
Phoenix.Router | Defines a Phoenix router |
Phoenix.Socket | Holds state for every channel, pointing to its transport, pubsub server and more |
Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast | Defines a message sent from pubsub to channels and vice-versa |
Phoenix.Socket.Message | Defines a message dispatched over transport to channels and vice-versa |
Phoenix.Socket.Reply | Defines a reply sent from channels to transports |
Phoenix.Supervisor | |
Phoenix.Template | Templates are used by Phoenix on rendering |
Phoenix.Template.EExEngine | The Phoenix engine that handles the |
Phoenix.Template.Engine | Specifies the API for adding custom template engines into Phoenix |
Phoenix.Template.ExsEngine | The Phoenix engine that handles the |
Phoenix.Template.HTML | The default HTML encoder that ships with Phoenix |
Phoenix.Transports.LongPoller | Handles LongPoller clients for the Channel Transport layer |
Phoenix.Transports.Serializer | Defines a Behaviour for Transport |
Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket | Handles WebSocket clients for the Channel Transport layer |
Phoenix.View | Defines the view layer of a Phoenix application |
Exceptions summary ↑
Phoenix.MissingParamError | Raised when a key is expected to be present in the request parameters, but is not |
Phoenix.PubSub.BroadcastError | |
Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError | Exception raised when no route is found |
Phoenix.Socket.InvalidMessageError | Raised when the socket message is invalid |
Phoenix.Template.UndefinedError | Exception raised when a template cannot be found |
Protocols summary ↑
Phoenix.Param | A protocol that converts data structures into URL parameters |