Front-end to Phoenix pubsub layer.
Used internally by Channels for pubsub broadcast but also provides an API for direct usage.
Phoenix pubsub was designed to be flexible and support multiple backends. We currently ship with two backends:
- uses Distributed Elixir, directly exchanging notifications between serversPhoenix.PubSub.Redis
- uses Redis to exchange data between servers
Pubsub adapters are often configured in your endpoint:
config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
pubsub: [adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2]
The configuration above takes care of starting the pubsub backend and exposing its functions via the endpoint module.
Direct usage
It is also possible to use Phoenix.PubSub
or even run your own pubsub backends outside of an
The first step is to start the adapter of choice in your supervision tree:
supervisor(Phoenix.PubSub.Redis, [:my_redis_pubsub, host: ""])
The configuration above will start a Redis pubsub and
register it with name :my_redis_pubsub
You can know use the functions in this module to subscribe and broadcast messages:
iex> PubSub.subscribe MyApp.PubSub, self, "user:123"
iex> PubSub.broadcast MyApp.PubSub, "user:123", {:user_update, %{id: 123, name: "Shane"}}
{:user_update, %{id: 123, name: "Shane"}}
Implementing your own adapter
PubSub adapters run isnide their own supervision tree.
If you are interested in providing your own adapter, let’s
call it Phoenix.PubSub.MyQueue
, the first step is to provide
a supervisor module that receives the server name and a bunch
of options on start_link/2
defmodule Phoenix.PubSub.MyQueue do
def start_link(name, options) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, {name, options},
name: Module.concat(name, Supervisor))
def init({name, options}) do
On init/1
, you will define the supervision tree and use the given
to register the main pubsub process locally. This process must
be able to handle the following GenServer calls:
- subscribes the given pid to the given topic sends:{:subscribe, pid, topic, opts}
respond with::ok | {:error, reason} | {:perform, {m, f, a}}
- unsubscribes the given pid from the given topic sends:{:unsubscribe, pid, topic}
respond with::ok | {:error, reason} | {:perform, {m, f, a}}
- broadcasts a message on the given topic sends:{:broadcast, :none | pid, topic, message}
respond with::ok | {:error, reason} | {:perform, {m, f, a}}
Offloading work to clients via MFA response
The Phoenix.PubSub
API allows any of its functions to handle a
response from the adapter matching {:perform, {m, f, a}}
. The PubSub
client will recursively invoke all MFA responses until a result is
returned. This is useful for offloading work to clients without blocking
your PubSub adapter. See Phoenix.PubSub.PG2
implementation for examples.
broadcast!(server, topic, message) | Broadcasts message on given topic |
broadcast(server, topic, message) | Broadcasts message on given topic |
broadcast_from!(server, from_pid, topic, message) | Broadcasts message to all but |
broadcast_from(server, from_pid, topic, message) | Broadcasts message to all but |
subscribe(server, pid, topic, opts \\ []) | Subscribes the pid to the PubSub adapter’s topic |
unsubscribe(server, pid, topic) | Unsubscribes the pid from the PubSub adapter’s topic |
- broadcast(atom, binary, term) :: :ok | {:error, term}
Broadcasts message on given topic.
- broadcast!(atom, binary, term) :: :ok | no_return
Broadcasts message on given topic.
Raises Phoenix.PubSub.BroadcastError
if broadcast fails.
- broadcast_from(atom, pid, binary, term) :: :ok | no_return
- broadcast_from(atom, pid, binary, term) :: :ok | {:error, term}
Broadcasts message to all but from_pid
on given topic.
Broadcasts message to all but from_pid
on given topic.
Raises Phoenix.PubSub.BroadcastError
if broadcast fails.
- subscribe(atom, pid, binary, Keyword.t) :: :ok | {:error, term}
Subscribes the pid to the PubSub adapter’s topic.
- The Pid registered name of the serverpid
- The subscriber pid to receive pubsub messagestopic
- The topic to subscribe to, ie:"users:123"
- The optional list of options. Supported options only include:link
to link the subscriber to the pubsub adapter
- unsubscribe(atom, pid, binary) :: :ok | {:error, term}
Unsubscribes the pid from the PubSub adapter’s topic.