View Source Phoenix.ConnTest (Phoenix v1.7.19)
Conveniences for testing Phoenix endpoints and connection related helpers.
You likely want to use this module or make it part of your ExUnit.CaseTemplate
Once used, this module automatically imports all functions defined here as
well as the functions in Plug.Conn
Endpoint testing
typically works against endpoints. That's the preferred way
to test anything that your router dispatches to:
@endpoint MyAppWeb.Endpoint
test "says welcome on the home page" do
conn = get(build_conn(), "/")
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Welcome!"
test "logs in" do
conn = post(build_conn(), "/login", [username: "john", password: "doe"])
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Logged in!"
The @endpoint
module attribute contains the endpoint under testing,
most commonly your application endpoint itself. If you are using the
MyApp.ConnCase generated by Phoenix, it is automatically set for you.
As in your router and controllers, the connection is the main abstraction
in testing. build_conn()
returns a new connection and functions in this
module can be used to manipulate the connection before dispatching
to the endpoint.
For example, one could set the accepts header for json requests as follows:
|> put_req_header("accept", "application/json")
|> get("/")
You can also create your own helpers, such as json_conn()
that uses
and put_req_header/3
, so you avoid repeating the connection
setup throughout your tests.
Controller testing
The functions in this module can also be used for controller testing. While endpoint testing is preferred over controller testing, especially since the controller in Phoenix plays an integration role between your domain and your views, unit testing controllers may be helpful in some situations.
For such cases, you need to set the @endpoint
attribute to your controller
and pass an atom representing the action to dispatch:
@endpoint MyAppWeb.HomeController
test "says welcome on the home page" do
conn = get(build_conn(), :index)
assert conn.resp_body =~ "Welcome!"
Keep in mind that, once the @endpoint
variable is set, all tests after
setting it will be affected.
Views testing
Under other circumstances, you may be testing a view or another layer that
requires a connection for processing. For such cases, a connection can be
created using the build_conn/3
MyApp.UserView.render("hello.html", conn: build_conn(:get, "/"))
While build_conn/0
returns a connection with no request information to it,
returns a connection with the given request information already
filled in.
Browsers implement a storage by using cookies. When a cookie is set in the response, the browser stores it and sends it in the next request.
To emulate this behaviour, this module provides the idea of recycling.
The recycle/1
function receives a connection and returns a new connection,
similar to the one returned by build_conn/0
with all the response cookies
from the previous connection defined as request headers. This is useful when
testing multiple routes that require cookies or session to work.
Keep in mind Phoenix will automatically recycle the connection between dispatches. This usually works out well most times, but it may discard information if you are modifying the connection before the next dispatch:
# No recycling as the connection is fresh
conn = get(build_conn(), "/")
# The connection is recycled, creating a new one behind the scenes
conn = post(conn, "/login")
# We can also recycle manually in case we want custom headers
conn =
|> recycle()
|> put_req_header("x-special", "nice")
# No recycling as we did it explicitly
conn = delete(conn, "/logout")
Recycling also recycles the "accept" and "authorization" headers, as well as peer data information.
Asserts an error was wrapped and sent with the given status.
Creates a connection to be used in upcoming requests.
Creates a connection to be used in upcoming requests with a preset method, path and body.
Calls the Endpoint and Router pipelines.
Calls the Endpoint and Router pipelines for the current route.
Calls the Endpoint and the given Router pipelines.
Clears up the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Deletes a request cookie.
Dispatches the connection to the given endpoint.
Ensures the connection is recycled if it wasn't already.
Fetches the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Gets the whole flash storage.
Gets the given key from the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Asserts the given status code, that we have an html response and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
Inits a session used exclusively for testing.
Asserts the given status code, that we have a json response and returns the decoded JSON response if one was set or sent.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Returns the matched params of the URL for the %Plug.Conn{}
's router.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Puts the given value under key in the flash storage.
Puts a request cookie.
Recycles the connection.
Returns the matched params from the URL the connection was redirected to.
Returns the location header from the given redirect response.
Asserts the given status code and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
Returns the content type as long as it matches the given format.
Asserts the given status code, that we have a text response and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
Asserts an error was wrapped and sent with the given status.
Useful for testing actions that you expect raise an error and have the response wrapped in an HTTP status, with content usually rendered by your MyAppWeb.ErrorHTML view.
The function accepts a status either as an integer HTTP status or
atom, such as 500
or :internal_server_error
. The list of allowed atoms is available
in Plug.Conn.Status
. If an error is raised, a 3-tuple of the wrapped
response is returned matching the status, headers, and body of the response:
{500, [{"content-type", "text/html"} | _], "Internal Server Error"}
assert_error_sent :internal_server_error, fn ->
get(build_conn(), "/broken/route")
response = assert_error_sent 500, fn ->
get(build_conn(), "/broken/route")
assert {500, [_h | _t], "Internal Server Error"} = response
This can also be used to test a route resulted in an error that was translated to a
specific response by the Plug.Status
protocol, such as Ecto.NoResultsError
assert_error_sent :not_found, fn ->
get(build_conn(), "/something-that-raises-no-results-error")
Note: for routes that don't raise an error, but instead return a status, you should test the response directly:
conn = get(build_conn(), "/users/not-found")
assert response(conn, 404)
@spec build_conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
Creates a connection to be used in upcoming requests.
Creates a connection to be used in upcoming requests with a preset method, path and body.
This is useful when a specific connection is required for testing a plug or a particular function.
@spec bypass_through(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Calls the Endpoint and Router pipelines.
Useful for unit testing Plugs where Endpoint and/or router pipeline plugs are required for proper setup.
Note the use of get("/")
following bypass_through
in the examples below.
To execute the plug pipelines, you must issue a request against the router.
Most often, you can simply send a GET request against the root path, but you
may also specify a different method or path which your pipelines may operate
For example, imagine you are testing an authentication plug in
isolation, but you need to invoke the Endpoint plugs and router
pipelines to set up session and flash related dependencies.
One option is to invoke an existing route that uses the proper
pipelines. You can do so by passing the connection and the
router name to bypass_through
conn =
|> bypass_through(MyAppWeb.Router)
|> get("/some_url")
assert conn.halted
You can also specify which pipelines you want to run:
conn =
|> bypass_through(MyAppWeb.Router, [:browser])
|> get("/")
assert conn.halted
Alternatively, you could only invoke the Endpoint's plugs:
conn =
|> bypass_through()
|> get("/")
assert conn.halted
@spec bypass_through(Plug.Conn.t(), module()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Calls the Endpoint and Router pipelines for the current route.
See bypass_through/1
@spec bypass_through(Plug.Conn.t(), module(), atom() | list()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Calls the Endpoint and the given Router pipelines.
See bypass_through/1
@spec clear_flash(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Clears up the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
@spec delete_req_cookie(Plug.Conn.t(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Deletes a request cookie.
Dispatches the connection to the given endpoint.
When invoked via get/3
, post/3
and friends, the endpoint
is automatically retrieved from the @endpoint
attribute, otherwise it must be given as an argument.
The connection will be configured with the given method
and params_or_body
If path_or_action
is a string, it is considered to be the
request path and stored as so in the connection. If an atom,
it is assumed to be an action and the connection is dispatched
to the given action.
Parameters and body
This function, as well as get/3
, post/3
and friends, accepts the
request body or parameters as last argument:
get(build_conn(), "/", some: "param")
get(build_conn(), "/", "some=param&url=encoded")
The allowed values are:
- meaning there is no bodya binary - containing a request body. For such cases,
must be given as option with a content-typea map or list - containing the parameters which will automatically set the content-type to multipart. The map or list may contain other lists or maps and all entries will be normalized to string keys
a struct - unlike other maps, a struct will be passed through as-is without normalizing its entries
@spec ensure_recycled(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Ensures the connection is recycled if it wasn't already.
See recycle/1
for more information.
@spec fetch_flash(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Fetches the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
@spec get_flash(Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()
Gets the whole flash storage.
@spec get_flash(Plug.Conn.t(), term()) :: term()
Gets the given key from the flash storage.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
@spec html_response(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: integer() | atom()) :: String.t()
Asserts the given status code, that we have an html response and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "<html>"
@spec init_test_session(Plug.Conn.t(), map() | keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Inits a session used exclusively for testing.
@spec json_response(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: integer() | atom()) :: term()
Asserts the given status code, that we have a json response and returns the decoded JSON response if one was set or sent.
body = json_response(conn, 200)
assert "can't be blank" in body["errors"]
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
@spec path_params(Plug.Conn.t(), String.t()) :: map()
Returns the matched params of the URL for the %Plug.Conn{}
's router.
Useful for extracting path params out of returned URLs, such as those
returned by Phoenix.LiveViewTest
's redirected results.
assert {:error, {:redirect, %{to: "/posts/123" = to}}} = live(conn, "/path")
assert %{id: "123"} = path_params(conn, to)
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.
@spec put_flash(Plug.Conn.t(), term(), term()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Puts the given value under key in the flash storage.
@spec put_req_cookie(Plug.Conn.t(), binary(), binary()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Puts a request cookie.
@spec recycle(Plug.Conn.t(), [String.t()]) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Recycles the connection.
Recycling receives a connection and returns a new connection, containing cookies and relevant information from the given one.
This emulates behaviour performed by browsers where cookies returned in the response are available in following requests.
By default, only the headers "accept", "accept-language", and "authorization" are recycled. However, a custom set of headers can be specified by passing a list of strings representing its names as the second argument of the function.
Note recycle/1
is automatically invoked when dispatching
to the endpoint, unless the connection has already been
@spec redirected_params(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: non_neg_integer()) :: map()
Returns the matched params from the URL the connection was redirected to.
Uses the provided %Plug.Conn{}
s router matched in the previous request.
Raises if the response's location header is not set or if the response does
not match the redirect status code (defaults to 302).
assert redirected_to(conn) =~ "/posts/123"
assert %{id: "123"} = redirected_params(conn)
assert %{id: "123"} = redirected_params(conn, 303)
@spec redirected_to(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: non_neg_integer()) :: String.t()
Returns the location header from the given redirect response.
Raises if the response does not match the redirect status code (defaults to 302).
assert redirected_to(conn) =~ "/foo/bar"
assert redirected_to(conn, 301) =~ "/foo/bar"
assert redirected_to(conn, :moved_permanently) =~ "/foo/bar"
@spec response(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: integer() | atom()) :: binary()
Asserts the given status code and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
conn = get(build_conn(), "/")
assert response(conn, 200) =~ "hello world"
@spec response_content_type(Plug.Conn.t(), atom()) :: String.t()
Returns the content type as long as it matches the given format.
# Assert we have an html response with utf-8 charset
assert response_content_type(conn, :html) =~ "charset=utf-8"
@spec text_response(Plug.Conn.t(), status :: integer() | atom()) :: String.t()
Asserts the given status code, that we have a text response and returns the response body if one was set or sent.
assert text_response(conn, 200) =~ "hello"
Dispatches to the current endpoint.
See dispatch/5
for more information.