View Source Phoenix.Logger (Phoenix v1.7.19)

Instrumenter to handle logging of various instrumentation events.


Phoenix uses the :telemetry library for instrumentation. The following events are published by Phoenix with the following measurements and metadata:

  • [:phoenix, :endpoint, :init] - dispatched by Phoenix.Endpoint after your Endpoint supervision tree successfully starts

    • Measurement: %{system_time: system_time}
    • Metadata: %{pid: pid(), config: Keyword.t(), module: module(), otp_app: atom()}
    • Disable logging: This event is not logged
  • [:phoenix, :endpoint, :start] - dispatched by Plug.Telemetry in your endpoint, usually after code reloading

    • Measurement: %{system_time: system_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, options: Keyword.t}
    • Options: %{log: Logger.level | false}

    • Disable logging: In your endpoint plug Plug.Telemetry, ..., log: Logger.level | false

    • Configure log level dynamically: plug Plug.Telemetry, ..., log: {Mod, Fun, Args}
  • [:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop] - dispatched by Plug.Telemetry in your endpoint whenever the response is sent

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, options: Keyword.t}
    • Options: %{log: Logger.level | false}

    • Disable logging: In your endpoint plug Plug.Telemetry, ..., log: Logger.level | false

    • Configure log level dynamically: plug Plug.Telemetry, ..., log: {Mod, Fun, Args}
  • [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :start] - dispatched by Phoenix.Router before dispatching to a matched route

    • Measurement: %{system_time: System.system_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, route: binary, plug: module, plug_opts: term, path_params: map, pipe_through: [atom], log: Logger.level | false}

    • Disable logging: Pass log: false to the router macro, for example: get("/page", PageController, :index, log: false)
    • Configure log level dynamically: get("/page", PageController, :index, log: {Mod, Fun, Args})
  • [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :exception] - dispatched by Phoenix.Router after exceptions on dispatching a route

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, kind: :throw | :error | :exit, reason: term(), stacktrace: Exception.stacktrace()}

    • Disable logging: This event is not logged
  • [:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :stop] - dispatched by Phoenix.Router after successfully dispatching a matched route

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, route: binary, plug: module, plug_opts: term, path_params: map, pipe_through: [atom], log: Logger.level | false}

    • Disable logging: This event is not logged
  • [:phoenix, :error_rendered] - dispatched at the end of an error view being rendered

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{conn: Plug.Conn.t, status: Plug.Conn.status, kind: Exception.kind, reason: term, stacktrace: Exception.stacktrace}
    • Disable logging: Set render_errors: [log: false] on your endpoint configuration
  • [:phoenix, :socket_connected] - dispatched by Phoenix.Socket, at the end of a socket connection

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{endpoint: atom, transport: atom, params: term, connect_info: map, vsn: binary, user_socket: atom, result: :ok | :error, serializer: atom, log: Logger.level | false}

    • Disable logging: use Phoenix.Socket, log: false or socket "/foo", MySocket, websocket: [log: false] in your endpoint
  • [:phoenix, :channel_joined] - dispatched at the end of a channel join

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{result: :ok | :error, params: term, socket: Phoenix.Socket.t}

    • Disable logging: This event cannot be disabled
  • [:phoenix, :channel_handled_in] - dispatched at the end of a channel handle in

    • Measurement: %{duration: native_time}
    • Metadata: %{event: binary, params: term, socket: Phoenix.Socket.t}
    • Disable logging: This event cannot be disabled

To see an example of how Phoenix LiveDashboard uses these events to create metrics, visit

Parameter filtering

When logging parameters, Phoenix can filter out sensitive parameters such as passwords and tokens. Parameters to be filtered can be added via the :filter_parameters option:

config :phoenix, :filter_parameters, ["password", "secret"]

With the configuration above, Phoenix will filter any parameter that contains the terms password or secret. The match is case sensitive.

Phoenix's default is ["password"].

Phoenix can filter all parameters by default and selectively keep parameters. This can be configured like so:

config :phoenix, :filter_parameters, {:keep, ["id", "order"]}

With the configuration above, Phoenix will filter all parameters, except those that match exactly id or order. If a kept parameter matches, all parameters nested under that one will also be kept.

Dynamic log level

In some cases you may wish to set the log level dynamically on a per-request basis. To do so, set the :log option to a tuple, {Mod, Fun, Args}. The Plug.Conn.t() for the request will be prepended to the provided list of arguments.

When invoked, your function must return a Logger.level() or false to disable logging for the request.

For example, in your Endpoint you might do something like this:

  # lib/my_app_web/endpoint.ex
  plug Plug.Telemetry,
    event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint],
    log: {__MODULE__, :log_level, []}

  # Disables logging for routes like /status/*
  def log_level(%{path_info: ["status" | _]}), do: false
  def log_level(_), do: :info


When you are using custom logging system it is not always desirable to enable Phoenix.Logger by default. You can always disable this in general by:

config :phoenix, :logger, false