View Source Phoenix.HTML.Form (Phoenix.HTML v4.2.0)
Define a Phoenix.HTML.Form
struct and functions to interact with it.
For building actual forms in your Phoenix application, see
the Phoenix.Component.form/1
Access behaviour
The Phoenix.HTML.Form
struct implements the Access
When you do form[field]
, it returns a Phoenix.HTML.FormField
struct with the id
, name
, value
, and errors
The field name can be either an atom or a string. If it is an atom,
it assumes the form keeps both data and errors as atoms. If it is a
string, it considers that data and errors are stored as strings for said
field. Forms backed by an Ecto.Changeset
only support atom field names.
It is possible to "access" fields which do not exist in the source data
structure. A Phoenix.HTML.FormField
struct will be dynamically created
with some attributes such as name
and id
Custom implementations
There is a protocol named Phoenix.HTML.FormData
which can be implemented
by any data structure that wants to be cast to the Phoenix.HTML.Form
Defines the Phoenix.HTML.Form struct.
Receives two forms structs and checks if the given field changed.
Returns an id of a corresponding form field.
Returns an id of a corresponding form field and value attached to it.
Returns a name of a corresponding form field.
Returns the HTML validations that would apply to the given field.
Returns a value of a corresponding form field.
Normalizes an input value
according to its input type
Returns options to be used inside a select.
@type t() :: %Phoenix.HTML.Form{ action: atom(), data: %{required(field()) => term()}, errors: [{field(), term()}], hidden: Keyword.t(), id: String.t(), impl: module(), index: nil | non_neg_integer(), name: String.t(), options: Keyword.t(), params: %{required(binary()) => term()}, source: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.t() }
Defines the Phoenix.HTML.Form struct.
Its fields are:
- the data structure that implements the form data protocol:action
- The action that was taken against the form. This value can be used to distinguish between different operations such as the user typing into a form for validation, or submitting a form for a database insert.:impl
- the module with the form data protocol implementation. This is used to avoid multiple protocol dispatches.:id
- the id to be used when generating input fields:index
- the index of the struct in the form:name
- the name to be used when generating input fields:data
- the field used to store lookup data:params
- the parameters associated with this form:hidden
- a keyword list of fields that are required to submit the form behind the scenes as hidden inputs:options
- a copy of the options given when creating the form without any form data specific key:errors
- a keyword list of errors that are associated with the form
Receives two forms structs and checks if the given field changed.
The field will have changed if either its associated value, errors,
action, or implementation changed. This is mostly used for optimization
engines as an extension of the Access
Returns an id of a corresponding form field.
The form should either be a Phoenix.HTML.Form
or an atom.
@spec input_id(t() | atom(), field(), Phoenix.HTML.Safe.t()) :: String.t()
Returns an id of a corresponding form field and value attached to it.
Useful for radio buttons and inputs like multiselect checkboxes.
Returns a name of a corresponding form field.
The first argument should either be a Phoenix.HTML.Form
or an atom.
iex> Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_name(:user, :first_name)
Returns the HTML validations that would apply to the given field.
Returns a value of a corresponding form field.
The form
should either be a Phoenix.HTML.Form
or an atom.
The field is either a string or an atom. If the field is given
as an atom, it will attempt to look data with atom keys. If
a string, it will look data with string keys.
When a form is given, it will look for changes, then fallback to parameters, and finally fallback to the default struct/map value.
Since the function looks up parameter values too, there is
no guarantee that the value will have a certain type. For
example, a boolean field will be sent as "false" as a
parameter, and this function will return it as is. If you
need to normalize the result of input_value
, see
Normalizes an input value
according to its input type
Certain HTML input values must be cast, or they will have idiosyncracies when they are rendered. The goal of this function is to encapsulate this logic. In particular:
For "datetime-local" types, it converts
to strings without the second precisionFor "checkbox" types, it returns a boolean depending on whether the input is "true" or not
For "textarea", it prefixes a newline to ensure newlines won't be ignored on submission. This requires however that the textarea is rendered with no spaces after its content
Returns options to be used inside a select.
This is useful when building the select by hand. It expects all options and one or more select values.
options_for_select(["Admin": "admin", "User": "user"], "admin")
#=> <option value="admin" selected>Admin</option>
#=> <option value="user">User</option>
Multiple selected values:
options_for_select(["Admin": "admin", "User": "user", "Moderator": "moderator"],
["admin", "moderator"])
#=> <option value="admin" selected>Admin</option>
#=> <option value="user">User</option>
#=> <option value="moderator" selected>Moderator</option>
Groups are also supported:
options_for_select(["Europe": ["UK", "Sweden", "France"], ...], nil)
#=> <optgroup label="Europe">
#=> <option>UK</option>
#=> <option>Sweden</option>
#=> <option>France</option>
#=> </optgroup>
Horizontal separators can be added:
options_for_select(["Admin", "User", :hr, "New"], nil)
#=> <option>Admin</option>
#=> <option>User</option>
#=> <hr/>
#=> <option>New</option>
options_for_select(["Admin": "admin", "User": "user", hr: nil, "New": "new"], nil)
#=> <option value="admin" selected>Admin</option>
#=> <option value="user">User</option>
#=> <hr/>
#=> <option value="new">New</option>