View Source Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder behaviour (LiveDashboard v0.8.4)

Page builder is the default mechanism for building custom dashboard pages.

Each dashboard page is a LiveView with additional callbacks for customizing the menu appearance and the automatic refresh.

A simple and straight-forward example of a custom page is the Phoenix.LiveDashboard.EtsPage that ships with the dashboard:

defmodule Phoenix.LiveDashboard.EtsPage do
  @moduledoc false
  use Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder

  @impl true
  def menu_link(_, _) do
    {:ok, "ETS"}

  @impl true
  def render(assigns) do
      <:col field={:name} header="Name or module" />
      <:col field={:protection} />
      <:col field={:type} />
      <:col field={:size} text_align="right" sortable={:desc} />
      <:col field={:memory} text_align="right" sortable={:desc} :let={ets}>
        <%= format_words(ets[:memory]) %>
      <:col field={:owner} :let={ets} >
        <%= encode_pid(ets[:owner]) %>

  defp fetch_ets(params, node) do
    %{search: search, sort_by: sort_by, sort_dir: sort_dir, limit: limit} = params

    # Here goes the code that goes through all ETS tables, searches
    # (if not nil), sorts, and limits them.
    # It must return a tuple where the first element is list with
    # the current entries (up to limit) and an integer with the
    # total amount of entries.
    # ...

  defp row_attrs(table) do
      {"phx-click", "show_info"},
      {"phx-value-info", encode_ets(table[:id])},
      {"phx-page-loading", true}

Once a page is defined, it must be declared in your live_dashboard route as follows:

live_dashboard "/dashboard",
  additional_pages: [
    route_name: MyAppWeb.MyCustomPage

Or alternatively:

live_dashboard "/dashboard",
  additional_pages: [
    route_name: {MyAppWeb.MyCustomPage, some_option: ...}

The second argument of the tuple will be given to the init/1 callback. If not tuple is given, init/1 will receive an empty list.

Options for the use macro

The following options can be given when using the PageBuilder module:

  • refresher? - Boolean to enable or disable the automatic refresh in the page.


A page can return any valid HEEx template in the render/1 callback, and it can use the components listed with this page too.

We currently support card/1, fields_card/1, row/1, shared_usage_card/1, and usage_card/1; and the live components live_layered_graph/1, live_nav_bar/1, and live_table/1.


Some helpers are available for page building. The supported helpers are: live_dashboard_path/2, live_dashboard_path/3, encode_app/1, encode_ets/1, encode_pid/1, encode_port/1, and encode_socket/1.



Card component.

Card title component.

Fields card component.

Hint pop-up text component

List of label value.

A component for drawing layered graphs.

Nav bar live component.

Table live component.

Row component.

Shared usage card component.

Usage card component.


Callback invoked when an event is called.

Callback invoked when the automatic refresh is enabled.

Callback invoked when a page is declared in the router.

Callback invoked when a page is declared in the router.


Encodes an application for URLs.

Encodes ETSs references for URLs.

Encodes PIDs for URLs.

Encodes Port for URLs.

Encodes Sockets for URLs.

Computes a router path to the current page.

Computes a router path to the current page with merged params.


@spec card(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Card component.

You can see it in use the Home and OS Data pages.


  • title (:string) - The title above the card. Defaults to nil.
  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.
  • inner_title (:string) - The title inside the card. Defaults to nil.
  • inner_hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the inner title. Defaults to nil.
  • dom_id (:string) - id attribute for the HTML the main tag. Defaults to nil.


  • inner_block (required) - The value that the card will show.
@spec card_title(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Card title component.


  • title (:string) - The title above the card. Defaults to nil.
  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.

Fields card component.

You can see it in use the Home page in the Environment section.


  • fields (:list) (required) - A list of key-value elements that will be shown inside the card.
  • title (:string) - The title above the card. Defaults to nil.
  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.
  • inner_title (:string) - The title inside the card. Defaults to nil.
  • inner_hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the inner title. Defaults to nil.
@spec hint(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Hint pop-up text component


  • text (:string) (required) - Text to show in the hint.
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List of label value.

You can see it in use in the modal in Ports or Processes page.


  • elem (required) - Value for each element of the list. Accepts attributes:
    • label (:string) (required) - Label for the elem.
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@spec live_layered_graph(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

A component for drawing layered graphs.

This is useful to represent pipelines like we have on BroadwayDashboard where each layer points to nodes of the layer below. It draws the layers from top to bottom.

The calculation of layers and positions is done automatically based on options.


  • id (:any) (required) - Because is a stateful Phoenix.LiveComponent an unique id is needed.

  • title (:string) - The title of the component. Defaults to nil.

  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.

  • layers (:list) (required) - A graph of layers with nodes. They represent our graph structure (see example). Each layer is a list of nodes, where each node has the following fields:

    • :id - The ID of the given node.
    • :children - The IDs of children nodes.
    • :data - A string or a map. If it's a map, the required fields are detail and label.
  • show_grid? (:boolean) - Enable or disable the display of a grid. This is useful for development. Defaults to false.

  • y_label_offset (:integer) - The "y" offset of label position relative to the center of its circle. Defaults to 5.

  • y_detail_offset (:integer) - The "y" offset of detail position relative to the center of its circle. Defaults to 18.

  • background (:any) - A function that calculates the background for a node based on it's data. Default: fn _node_data -> "gray" end."

  • format_label (:any) - A function that formats the label. Defaults to a function that returns the label or data if data is binary.

  • format_detail (:any) - A function that formats the detail field. This is only going to be called if data is a map. Default: fn node_data -> node_data.detail end.


iex> layers = [
...>   [
...>     %{
...>       id: "a1",
...>       data: "a1",
...>       children: ["b1"]
...>     }
...>   ],
...>   [
...>     %{
...>       id: "b1"
...>       data: %{
...>         detail: 0,
...>         label: "b1"
...>       },
...>       children: []
...>      }
...>    ]
...> ]
@spec live_nav_bar(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Nav bar live component.

You can see it in use the Metrics and Ecto info pages.


  • id (:any) (required) - Because is a stateful Phoenix.LiveComponent an unique id is needed.

  • page (Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder) (required) - Dashboard page.

  • nav_param (:string) - An atom that configures the navigation parameter. It is useful when two nav bars are present in the same page.

    Defaults to "nav".

  • extra_params (:list) - A list of strings representing the parameters that should stay when a tab is clicked. By default the nav ignores all params, except the current node if any.

    Defaults to [].

  • style (:atom) - Style for the nav bar.Must be one of :pills, or :bar.


  • item (required) - HTML to be rendered when the tab is selected. Accepts attributes:
    • name (:string) (required) - Value used in the URL when the tab is selected.
    • label (:string) - Title of the tab. If it is not present, it will be calculated from name.
    • method (:string) - Method used to update.Must be one of "patch", "navigate", "href", or "redirect".
@spec live_table(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Table live component.

You can see it in use the applications, processes, sockets pages and many others.


  • id (:any) (required) - Because is a stateful Phoenix.LiveComponent an unique id is needed.

  • page (Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder) (required) - Dashboard page.

  • row_fetcher (:any) (required) - A function which receives the params and the node and returns a tuple with the rows and the total number: (params(), node() -> {list(), integer() | binary()}). Optionally, if the function needs to keep a state, it can be defined as a tuple where the first element is a function and the second is the initial state. In this case, the function will receive the state as third argument and must return a tuple with the rows, the total number, and the new state for the following call: {(params(), node(), term() -> {list(), integer() | binary(), term()}), term()}

  • rows_name (:string) - A string to name the representation of the rows. Default is calculated from the current page.

  • row_attrs (:any) - A list with the HTML attributes for the table row. It can be also a function that receive the row as argument and returns a list of 2 element tuple with HTML attribute name and value.

    Defaults to nil.

  • default_sort_by (:any) - The default column to sort by to. Defaults to the first sortable column. Defaults to nil.

  • title (:string) (required) - The title of the table.

  • limit (:any) - May be set to false to disable the limit. Defaults to [50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000].

  • search (:boolean) - A boolean indicating if the search functionality is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.

  • dom_id (:string) - id attribute for the HTML the main tag. Defaults to nil.


  • col (required) - Columns for the table. Accepts attributes:
    • field (:atom) (required) - Identifier for the column.
    • sortable (:atom) - When set, the column header is clickable and it fetches again rows with the new order. Required for at least one column. Must be one of :asc, or :desc.
    • header (:string) - Label to show in the current column. Default value is calculated from :field.
    • text_align (:string) - Text align for text in the column. Default: nil.Must be one of "left", "center", "right", or "justify".
@spec row(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Row component.

You can see it in use the Home page and OS Data pages.


  • col (required) - A list of components. It can receive up to 3 components. Each element will be one column.
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@spec shared_usage_card(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Shared usage card component.

You can see it in use the Home page and OS Data pages.


  • usages (:list) (required) - A list of Map with the following keys:

    • :data - A list of tuples with 4 elements with the following data: {usage_name, usage_percent, color, hint}
    • :dom_id - Required. Usage identifier.
    • :title- Bar title.
  • total_data (:any) (required) - A list of tuples with 4 elements with following data: {usage_name, usage_value, color, hint}.

  • total_legend (:string) (required) - The legent of the total usage.

  • total_usage (:string) (required) - The value of the total usage.

  • dom_id (:string) - id attribute for the HTML the main tag. Defaults to nil.

  • csp_nonces (:any) (required) - A copy of CSP nonces (@csp_nonces) used to render the page safely.

  • title (:string) - The title above the card. Defaults to nil.

  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.

  • inner_title (:string) - The title inside the card. Defaults to nil.

  • inner_hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the inner title. Defaults to nil.

  • total_formatter (:any) - A function that format the total_usage. Default: &("#{&1} %"). Defaults to nil.

@spec usage_card(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

Usage card component.

You can see it in use the Home page and OS Data pages.


  • title (:string) - The title above the card. Defaults to nil.
  • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the title. Defaults to nil.
  • dom_id (:string) (required) - A unique identifier for all usages in this card.
  • csp_nonces (:any) (required) - A copy of CSP nonces (@csp_nonces) used to render the page safely.


  • usage (required) - List of usages to show. Accepts attributes:
    • current (:integer) (required) - The current value of the usage.
    • limit (:integer) (required) - The max value of usage.
    • dom_id (:string) (required) - An unique identifier for the usage that will be concatenated to dom_id.
    • percent (:string) - The used percent of the usage.
    • title (:string) - The title of the usage.
    • hint (:string) - A textual hint to show close to the usage title.


@type capabilities() :: %{
  applications: [atom()],
  modules: [atom()],
  processes: [atom()],
  dashboard_running?: boolean(),
  system_info: nil | binary()
@type requirements() :: [{:application | :process | :module, atom()}]
@type session() :: map()
@type unsigned_params() :: map()


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handle_event(event, unsigned_params, socket)

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@callback handle_event(event :: binary(), unsigned_params(), socket :: Socket.t()) ::
  {:noreply, Socket.t()} | {:reply, map(), Socket.t()}

Callback invoked when an event is called.

Note that show_info event is handled automatically by Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder, but the info parameter (phx-value-info) needs to be encoded with one of the encode_* helper functions.

For more details, see Phoenix.LiveView bindings

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handle_info(msg, socket)

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@callback handle_info(msg :: term(), socket :: Socket.t()) :: {:noreply, Socket.t()}
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handle_params(unsigned_params, uri, socket)

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@callback handle_params(unsigned_params(), uri :: String.t(), socket :: Socket.t()) ::
  {:noreply, Socket.t()}
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@callback handle_refresh(socket :: Socket.t()) :: {:noreply, Socket.t()}

Callback invoked when the automatic refresh is enabled.

@callback init(term()) :: {:ok, session()} | {:ok, session(), requirements()}

Callback invoked when a page is declared in the router.

It receives the router options and it must return the tuple {:ok, session, requirements}.

The page session will be serialized to the client and received on mount.

The requirements is an optional keyword to detect the state of the node.

The result of this detection will be passed as second argument in the menu_link/2 callback. The possible values are:

  • :applications list of applications that are running or not.
  • :modules list of modules that are loaded or not.
  • :pids list of processes that alive or not.
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menu_link(session, capabilities)

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@callback menu_link(session(), capabilities()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()}
  | {:disabled, String.t()}
  | {:disabled, String.t(), String.t()}
  | :skip

Callback invoked when a page is declared in the router.

It receives the session returned by the init/1 callback and the capabilities of the current node.

The possible return values are:

  • {:ok, text} when the link should be enable and text to be shown.

  • {:disabled, text} when the link should be disable and text to be shown.

  • {:disabled, text, more_info_url} similar to the previous one but it also includes a link to provide more information to the user.

  • :skip when the link should not be shown at all.

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mount(unsigned_params, session, socket)

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@callback mount(unsigned_params(), session(), socket :: Socket.t()) ::
  {:ok, Socket.t()} | {:ok, Socket.t(), keyword()}
@callback render(assigns :: Socket.assigns()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()


@spec encode_app(atom()) :: binary()

Encodes an application for URLs.


This function can be used to encode an application for an event value:

<button phx-click="show-info" phx-value-info=<%= encode_app(@my_app) %>/>
@spec encode_ets(reference()) :: binary()

Encodes ETSs references for URLs.


This function can be used to encode an ETS reference for an event value:

<button phx-click="show-info" phx-value-info=<%= encode_ets(@reference) %>/>
@spec encode_pid(pid()) :: binary()

Encodes PIDs for URLs.


This function can be used to encode a PID for an event value:

<button phx-click="show-info" phx-value-info=<%= encode_pid(@pid) %>/>
@spec encode_port(port()) :: binary()

Encodes Port for URLs.


This function can be used to encode a Port for an event value:

<button phx-click="show-info" phx-value-info=<%= encode_port(@port) %>/>
@spec encode_socket(port() | binary()) :: binary()

Encodes Sockets for URLs.


This function can be used to encode @socket for an event value:

<button phx-click="show-info" phx-value-info=<%= encode_socket(@socket) %>/>
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live_dashboard_path(socket, map)

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@spec live_dashboard_path(
  page :: %Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder{
    allow_destructive_actions: term(),
    info: term(),
    module: term(),
    node: term(),
    params: term(),
    route: term(),
    tick: term()
) :: binary()

Computes a router path to the current page.

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live_dashboard_path(socket, map, extra)

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@spec live_dashboard_path(
  page :: %Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder{
    allow_destructive_actions: term(),
    info: term(),
    module: term(),
    node: term(),
    params: term(),
    route: term(),
    tick: term()
  map() | Keyword.t()
) :: binary()

Computes a router path to the current page with merged params.