View Source Guides

This pages includes guides for common use cases.


Dynamic favicon path

This example will explain how to use a placeholder in the favicons' href-attribute to switch between the default, a green and a red favicon.


1. Add one or multiple sizes of your favicon to your applications' main template.

<!-- in /templates/layout/root.html.heex -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/favs/favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/favs/favicon-16x16.png">

This is the default favicon.

In order to use a dynamic value you need to add a 'template' for each attribute using the dynamic value. For this we add a dataset attribute. The naming scheme is data-dynamic-[attr].

The result for having a placeholder named subfolder in the href-attribute is:

<link [...] data-dynamic-href="images/favs/{subfolder}/favicon-32x32.png">
<link [...] data-dynamic-href="images/favs/{subfolder}/favicon-16x16.png">


3. Set the dynamic value from your code

You can set the value of the placeholder using set_dynamic/2.

socket =
+  |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic("subfolder", "green")

The resulting HTML in the browser will now be:

<link [...] href="images/favs/green/favicon-32x32.png">
<link [...] href="images/favs/green/favicon-16x16.png">

Changing the favicon to red:

socket =
+  |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic("subfolder", "red")

Results in:

<link [...] href="images/favs/red/favicon-32x32.png">
<link [...] href="images/favs/red/favicon-16x16.png">

To reset the favicon to it's default call Favicon.reset(socket).


Dynamic SVG

While dynamic paths allows you to switch favicons, those are still not dynamic on their own. For this you need a vector favicon (SVG).

This example will explain how to use a placeholder in the favicons' href-attribute to show a counter and change the background color of the counter.


1. Add the SVG favicon to your applications' main template

<link [...] 
   <svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'> 
      <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='50' fill='SteelBlue' />
      <text x='50%' y='50%' [...]>

In order to use a dynamic value you need to add a 'template' for each attribute using the dynamic value. For this we add a dataset attribute. The naming scheme is data-dynamic-[attr].

In this example we add two placeholder: counter and counter_background

<link [...] 
+   data-dynamic-href="data:image/svg+xml,
+     <svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'> 
+       <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='50' fill='{counter_background}' />
+       <text x='50%' y='50%' [...]>
+         {counter}
+       </text>
+     </svg>
+  "


3. Set the dynamic values from your code

count = socket.assigns.counter

socket =
+  |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic("counter", counter + 1)
+  |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic("count_background", "DarkOrange")


Mixing PNG and SVG

Mixing different types of favicons is not recommended but has it's use case. It allows you to have multiple sizes defined for the PNG favicon while still being able to use a dynamic SVG favicon.


Consider combining a single <link rel='icon'> with a ico file. This allows you to manipulate one single elements' type and href; greatly reducing complexity.

This example will explain how to make use of the behaviour of browsers to switch between PNG and SVG favicons.


1. Add the favicons to your applications' main template

Follow the first two steps from the two chapters above. Make sure the SVG favicon comes last. The end result should be both PNG and SVG favicons in your main template.


2. Add classnames to your favicons

Add class names your your favicons specifying which types they are. For example:

<link class="png" href="images/favs/red/favicon-32x32.png" [...]>
<link class="png" href="images/favs/red/favicon-16x16.png" [...]>
<link class="svg" href="data:image/svg+html....." [...]>

Now we can target different types of the favicon by using the class names.


3. Let the browser use the SVG

Browsers automatically pick a favicon to use when multiple options are provided. We exploit this behaviour to switch between PNG and SVG.

Set the href of the favicons with png class name to a null value. You will need to use the underlying lib Phoenix Live Head which you already have installed as Phoenix Live favicon depends on it.

socket =
  |> Phx.Live.Head.push(".png", :set, :href, "")
  |> Fav.set_dynamic("counter", counter + 1)
  |> Fav.set_dynamic("counter_bg", DarkOrange")

The browser will reconsider all favicon options and pick the SVG as it's the only one with a valid value.


4. Let the browser use the PNG

To switch back to the PNG favicons set their href to a valid value. Have a look at snap/3 and restore/3 to make this process easier.