PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listiller (phoenix_live_view_ext v1.2.2) View Source

Helps LiveView optimally insert, update and delete list elements while replacing the entire list only when absolutely necessary (i.e. when initialized).

Transforms new state relative to the old one into a list of LiveComponent assigns so as to leave out the assigns of all listed component instances for which the new state does not result changed after the transformation. In other words, it diffs the list of LiveComponent assigns resulting from the state-to-assigns transformation (the components of which list are typically rendered as children of an appended or prepended container element).

The purpose of Listiller is to allow for an optimal implementation of appended/prepended container lists where only the list elements that actually change get sent from the server to the JS client over the wire and patched when client-side LiveView traverses the DOM elements. While this could be otherwise manually achieved for individual component instances by sending changes via LiveView.send_update/3 such an approach would not suffice in cases with multiple component changes and more importantly, in the cases where there are elements required for insertion to or deletion from the container list.

The module relies on the reserved :updated key in the 'listilled' assigns, so developers need to make sure they don't use it for other purposes when constructing assigns in their PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.construct_assigns/2 callback implementations.

Below we use an example to explain how to use Listiller step by step. We do so on a non-trivial example of a table (two dimensions of components - the row components and the cell components nested in them).

TableView example

Our example relies on the following assumptions:

  • TableLive module prepares the assigns for the corresponding table_live.html.leex template which lists all table rows. The assigns include a temporarily assigned list of rows to append/update mapped to :row_list_assigns. The list contains only the rows that have actually changed and are to be treated as inserted, updated or deleted.
  • RowComponent module prepares the assigns for the corresponding row_component_t.html.leex template which lists all cells in the row. Analogously, this involves the assigns used by the template itself as well as a temporarily assigned list of assigns for each cell that has actually changed (again, as in inserted, updated or deleted cells).
  • We implement the CellComponent module and the corresponding cell_component.html_t.leex template to render table cells.
  • The original state (the data model) that is held persistently assigned with TableLive is maintained in its domain-logic normalized form and both the temporary assigns for RowComponent and the ones for CellComponent are constructed dynamically. This is because any non-trivial real-life UC will most certainly not have its data kept optimally denormalized for the LiveView templates, while in the end the assigns need to be optimized for it is based on their diffing that the LiveView framework decides on what to send over the wire and what not.
  • Since an appended container in LiveView can only have its elements updated or appended, the final changes are performed in JS when we are sure that LiveView has applied all the necessary patches. The finalization involves deletion of the marked-for-deletion updated elements and sorting (repositioning) of the marked-for-sorting appended elements.

The first step is to write our TableLive module. Note that the :row_list_assigns must be constructed and assigned each time the data may have possibly changed, involving all callbacks such as handle_info and handle_event.

defmodule TableLive do
  use TableAppWeb, :live_view
  alias PhoenixLiveViewExt.{ Listiller, Listilled}

  # If relying on handle_params to initialize then the initialization should be done there instead.
  @impl true
  def mount( _params, _session, socket) do
    { :ok, initialize( socket), temporary_assigns: [ row_list_assigns: []]}

  defp initialize( socket) do
    # passing an empty map to construct_rows to trigger a :full update, i.e. replacing the list
    construct_rows( socket, %{})

  # handles events and optionally changes the state
  @impl true
  def handle_event( event, payload, socket) do
    { :noreply, socket
                |> maybe_apply_changes( event, payload)
                |> then( & &1.assigns.any_changes? && construct_rows( &1, socket.assigns) || &1)

  @impl true
  def handle_info( event, socket) do
    { :noreply, event
                |> handle_server_response( socket)
                |> construct_rows( socket.assigns)

  defp construct_rows( socket, old_state) do
    list_data = Listiller.apply( RowComponent, old_state, socket.assigns)

    Listilled.Helpers.assign_list( socket, list_data)

Next we make PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.Helpers.phx_update/1 function available to our live view template..

defmodule TableView do
  use TableAppWeb, :view
  import PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.Helpers, only: [ phx_update: 1]

.. and we make sure we properly render the rows in our table_live.html.leex:

<div id="table"
  phx-update="<%= phx_update( @row_list_update) %>"
  <%= for row_assigns <- @row_list_assigns do %>
    <%= live_component @socket, RowComponent, row_assigns %>
  <% end %>
<div id="update-handler"
     data-print="<%= update_print( assigns) %>"

Note that we place the update-handler element after the table element in our template. This is because we need this element's updated callback invoked in JS after we are sure that all our components have been rendered by LiveView. As a reminder, LiveView will invoke updated callbacks starting with the table element and followed by each component recursively i.e. in the exact same order the elements get patched top down, and since there is no afterUpdated callback, we need this extra element with its own hook. And we need it updated when and if any listed component is updated.

We assure the latter is true by invoking a function we pass the entire assigns map to so that LiveView cannot optimize and skip the update. The update_print/1 function here returns a pseudo random number encoded as a string and is out of the scope of this library. The point is having the UpdateHook's updated callback invoked once all elements in the lists have been patched by LiveView.

Now we provide the RowComponent module which on one side is a Listilled behaviour implementation in charge of rendering its templates, and on the other it provides the necessary behavior to support its nested CellComponents.

defmodule RowComponent do
  use Phoenix.LiveComponent
  alias PhoenixLiveViewExt.{ Listiller, Listilled}

  # Cell container related

  @impl true
  def mount( socket) do
    { :ok, socket, temporary_assigns: [ cell_list_assigns: nil]}

  # Temporarily assigns the list of cell assigns for cell_components.
  @impl true
  def update( new_assigns, socket) do
    list_data = Listiller.apply( CellComponent, socket.assigns, new_assigns)

    socket =
      |> assign( new_assigns)
      |> Listilled.Helpers.assign_list( list_data)

    { :ok, socket}

  # Listilled behaviour implementation

  @behaviour Listilled

  # Prepares the row dom_id list and (optionally) supplements the provided state with any
  # additional data required for constructing the assigns.
  @impl true
  def prepare_list( state) do
    with %{ model: model} <- state do
      dom_ids = fetch_dom_ids( model)
      { dom_ids, state}
      _ -> { [], state}

  # Returns dom_id as component_id
  @impl true
  def component_id( dom_id, _state) do

  # Constructs new row assigns from the provided model state.
  @impl true
  def construct_assigns( state, dom_id) do
    # state-to-assigns transformations here
      id: dom_id, # component id
      # other assigns including state required to construct the cell assigns

  # Template helpers

  import Listilled.Helpers
  require PhoenixLiveViewExt.MultiRender
  @before_compile PhoenixLiveViewExt.MultiRender

  @impl true
  def render( %{ updated: :delete} = assigns) do
    <div id="row-<%= @id %>" data-delete="true"></div>
  def render( assigns) do
    render( "row_component_t.html", assigns)

Note that above we rely on the first available feature in the PhoenixLiveViewExt library v1.0.1 - the MultiRender before_compile macro that lets us define multiple (conditional) templates per LiveComponent.

Also, take note that our RowComponent module imports both Listiller.Helper functions because its component's element requires post-append sorting while the template itself nests CellComponents thus requiring the phx-update attribute set relative to whether to replace or to append the cells that have changed.

Below is the relevant part of our row_component_t.html.leex template:

<div id="row-<%= @id %>"
     data-sort="<%= updated_sort( @updated) %>"
     phx-update="<%= phx_update( @cell_list_update) %>"
  <%= for cell_assigns <- @cell_list_assigns do %>
    <%= live_component( @socket, CellComponent, cell_assigns) %>
  <% end %>

As imagined, our CellComponent next is relatively simple as it has no further nested components to pass the assigns to, and all it does is implement its Listilled behaviour and renders its templates.

defmodule CellComponent do
  alias PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled
  @behaviour Listilled

  # Returns cell component id based on unique cell coordinates (a row dom_id and a cell key).
  @impl true
  def component_id( { dom_id, key}, _state) do
    "#{ dom_id}-#{ key}"

  # Prepares the key list and returns it along with the state.
  @impl true
  def prepare_list( state) do
    with %{ keys: keys} <- state do
      { keys, &{ state.dom_id, &1}), state}
      _ -> { [], state}

  # Constructs cell assigns from the provided segment state.
  @impl true
  def construct_assigns( state, { dom_id, key}) do
    # state-to-assigns transformations here
      id: component_id( { dom_id, key}),
      dom_id: dom_id,
      key: key,
      # other assigns

  # Template helpers

  import PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.Helpers, only: [ updated_sort: 1]
  require PhoenixLiveViewExt.MultiRender
  @before_compile PhoenixLiveViewExt.MultiRender

  @impl true
  def render( %{ updated: :delete} = assigns) do
    <div id="cell-<%= @dom_id %>-<%= @key %>" data-delete="true"></div>
  def render( assigns) do
    render( "cell_component_t.html", assigns)

And the cell_component_t.html.leex template part required to operate:

<div id="cell-<%= @dom_id %>-<%= @key %>"
   data-sort="<%= updated_sort( @updated) %>"
   <!-- cell content -->

Finally, there is a file with JS helper functions shipped with our library. To import it in your LiveView app, simply add the following import before your JS code (app.js or the imported JS file therein):

import {
} from "../../deps/phoenix_live_view_ext/assets/js/listiller";

The sample code below relies on the imported JS helper functions.

export const TableHook = {
  mounted: function() {
    initHookState( this,
        listill: newListill( 'sort', 'div[data-delete]')
    initApplyCall( this);

export const UpdateHook = {
  mounted: function() {
    applyCallToTable( data => setTable( this, data));
    completeTableListill( this);
  updated: function() {
    completeTableListill( this);
  destroyed: function() {
    deinitApplyCall( _table( this));

function completeTableListill( me) {
  completeListill( _listill( _table( me)), _table( me).el);

export const RowHook = {
  mounted: function() {
    applyCallToTable( data => setTable( this, data));
    prepRowForSorting( this);
  updated: function() {
    prepRowForSorting( this);

function prepRowForSorting( me) {
  return prepForSorting( _listill( _table( me)), me.el, getRowSortId);

function getRowSortId( bareId) {
  return bareId ? ( 'row-' + bareId) : null;

export const CellHook = {
  mounted: function() {
    applyCallToTable( data => setTable( this, data));
    prepCellForSorting( this);
  updated: function() {
    prepCellForSorting( this);

function prepCellForSorting( me) {
  return prepForSorting( _listill( _table( me)), me.el, getCellSortId);

function getCellSortId( bareId) {
  return bareId ? ( 'cell-' + bareId) : null;

function initHookState( me, state) {
  me._vars = state;

function _table( me) {
  return me._tableObj;

function setTable( me, tableObj) {
  me._tableOb = tableObj;

function _listill( me) {
  return me._vars.listill;

Link to this section Summary


Distills a list of assigns for the provided component module implementing the Listilled behaviour. Returns a tuple with the list of assigns and the list meta data. The returned tuple may be passed as such to the Listilled.Helpers.assign_list/2 function to have the list assigns, the update type and the state version assigned to the socket.

Link to this section Types


list_meta() :: %{
  listilled: listilled(),
  update: list_update(),
  version: PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.state_version()


list_update() :: :full | :partial


listilled() :: module()


Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

apply(listilled, old_state, new_state)

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Distills a list of assigns for the provided component module implementing the Listilled behaviour. Returns a tuple with the list of assigns and the list meta data. The returned tuple may be passed as such to the Listilled.Helpers.assign_list/2 function to have the list assigns, the update type and the state version assigned to the socket.

Raises ArgumentError if while diffing a Listilled.component_id/2 function implementation returns a string value containing the ':' character.

Note: Due to the lack of access to the LiveView internally held diff state and the fact that we intentionally assign constructed assigns as temporary_assigns, this function invokes PhoenixLiveViewExt.Listilled.construct_assigns/2 on both the new and the old state in every cycle. Typically, this has no significant impact on the overall performance even with tens of thousands of elements and the approach was chosen over keeping the derived transformations as (persistent) assigns to reduce memory load on the LiveView instance for it is expected that most if not all of the state supplied to the function is already kept stored with in the LiveView instance.