API Reference phoenix_live_view_ext v1.2.2


Listilled behaviour should be implemented by the modules (e.g. LiveView components) assuming the concern of their state-to-assigns transformation where such assigns then need to get compared and diffed (listilled) by the Listiller before getting actually assigned for the LiveComponent list rendering. This is to avoid updating (replacing) the appended (or prepended) container list with elements that haven't really changed which for LiveView is the default behavior when dealing with element lists.

Provides helper functions intended for use in LiveView and LiveComponent templates relying on Listilled assign lists.

Helps LiveView optimally insert, update and delete list elements while replacing the entire list only when absolutely necessary (i.e. when initialized).

The module provides a @before_compile macro enabling multiple template files per live component or live view. Each template file gets pre-compiled as a private render/2 function in its live component or live view module. This in turn enables (conditional) invocation from the render/1 functions.