
A library of functional extensions to the Phoenix LiveView framework.


PhoenixLiveViewExt.MultiRender is a multi-template alternative to the Phoenix.LiveView.Renderer.render/1 macro. It pre-compiles as many template files as found collocated with and named after the live component or live view module they relate to. In other words, it allows for conditional rendering of multiple template files per live component or live view module, the functionality which is presently available in live components only if using the ~L sigil.

Special credits go to José Valim for providing the instructions on how to properly approach the problem this module is solving.


Listiller (a.k.a. list distiller) handles assigns construction, diffing and pre-sorting required for an optimized use of LiveView pre/appended container lists, whether of one dimension (e.g. shopping cards, todo lists, etc.) or more nested ones (e.g. tables).

With Listiller, LiveView only sends and traverses those elements in the list that have actually changed without replacing the list as a whole which has a tremendous impact on performance whether it's about just updating a single element or updating, inserting and deleting multiple elements all at the same time.

Again, credits to José Valim for helping with suggestions in the brainstorming phase of this feature.


This package can be installed by adding phoenix_live_view_ext to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    { :phoenix_live_view_ext, "~> 1.2.1"}

In JS file(s) where the hooks are defined, import the Listiller JS code as follows:

import {
} from "../../deps/phoenix_live_view_ext/assets/js/listiller";


The docs can be found at


  • Formatting

    The source code formatting in this library diverges from the standard formatting practice based on using mix format in that there's a leading space character inserted before all first arguments and first elements for the purpose of (subject to author's personal perception) improving the code readability.