View Source PhoenixTest (PhoenixTest v0.3.1)

PhoenixTest provides a unified way of writing feature tests -- regardless of whether you're testing LiveView pages or static pages.

It also handles navigation between LiveView and static pages seamlessly. So, you don't have to worry about what type of page you're visiting. Just write the tests from the user's perspective.

Thus, you can test a flow going from static to LiveView pages and back without having to worry about the underlying implementation.

This is a sample flow:

test "admin can create a user", %{conn: conn} do
  |> visit("/")
  |> click_link("Users")
  |> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
  |> choose("Ranger")
  |> assert_has(".user", text: "Aragorn")

Note that PhoenixTest does not handle JavaScript. If you're looking for something that supports JavaScript, take a look at Wallaby.


PhoenixTest requires Phoenix 1.7+ and LiveView 0.20+. It may work with earlier versions, but I have not tested that.


Add phoenix_test to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_test, "~> 0.3.1", only: :test, runtime: false}


In config/test.exs specify the endpoint to be used for routing requests:

config :phoenix_test, :endpoint, MyAppWeb.Endpoint

Getting PhoenixTest helpers

PhoenixTest helpers can be included via import PhoenixTest.

But since each test needs a conn struct to get started, you'll likely want to set up a few things before that.

There are two ways to do that.

With ConnCase

If you plan to use ConnCase solely for PhoenixTest, then you can import the helpers there:

using do
  quote do
    # importing other things for ConnCase

    import PhoenixTest

    # doing other setup for ConnCase

Adding a FeatureCase

If you want to create your own FeatureCase helper module like ConnCase, you can copy the code below which can be used from your tests (replace MyApp with your app's name):

defmodule MyAppWeb.FeatureCase do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate

  using do
    quote do
      use MyAppWeb, :verified_routes

      import MyAppWeb.FeatureCase

      import PhoenixTest

  setup tags do
    pid = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.start_owner!(MyApp.Repo, shared: not tags[:async])
    on_exit(fn -> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.stop_owner(pid) end)

    {:ok, conn: Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn()}

Note that we assume your Phoenix project is using Ecto and its phenomenal SQL.Sandbox. If it doesn't, feel free to remove the SQL.Sandbox code above.


Now that we have all the setup out of the way, we can create tests like this:

# test/my_app_web/features/admin_can_create_user_test.exs

defmodule MyAppWeb.AdminCanCreateUserTest do
  use MyAppWeb.FeatureCase, async: true

  test "admin can create user", %{conn: conn} do
    |> visit("/")
    |> click_link("Users")
    |> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
    |> fill_in("Email", with: "")
    |> click_button("Create")
    |> assert_has(".user", text: "Aragorn")

Filling out forms

We can fill out forms by targetting their inputs, selects, etc. by label:

test "admin can create user", %{conn: conn} do
  |> visit("/")
  |> click_link("Users")
  |> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
  |> select("Elessar", from: "Aliases")
  |> choose("Human") # <- choose a radio option
  |> check("Ranger") # <- check a checkbox
  |> click_button("Create")
  |> assert_has(".user", text: "Aragorn")

For more info, see fill_in/3, select/3, choose/2, check/2, uncheck/2.

Submitting forms without clicking a button

Once we've filled out a form, you can click a button with click_button/2 to submit the form. But sometimes you want to emulate what would happen by just pressing <Enter>.

For that case, you can use submit/1 to submit the form you just filled out.

|> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
|> check("Ranger")
|> submit()

For more info, see submit/1.

Targeting which form to fill out

If you find yourself in a situation where you have multiple forms with the same labels (even when those labels point to different inputs), then you might have to scope your form-filling.

To do that, you can scope all of the form helpers using within/3:

|> within("#user-form", fn session ->
  |> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
  |> check("Ranger")
  |> click_button("Create")

For more info, see within/3.



Assert helper to ensure an element with given CSS selector is present.

Assert helper to ensure an element with given CSS selector and options.

Assert helper to verify current request path. Takes an optional query_params map.

Same as assert_path/2 but takes an optional query_params map.

Check a checkbox.

Choose a radio button option.

Perfoms action defined by button (and based on attributes present).

Performs action defined by button with CSS selector and text.

Clicks a link with given text and performs the action.

Clicks a link with given CSS selector and text and performs the action. selector to target the link.

Fills text inputs and textareas, targetting the elements by their labels.

Open the default browser to display current HTML of session.

Opposite of assert_has/2 helper. Verifies that element with given CSS selector is not present.

Opposite of assert_has/3 helper. Verifies that element with given CSS selector and text is not present.

Verifies current request path is NOT the one provided. Takes an optional query_params map for more specificity.

Same as refute_path/2 but takes an optional query_params for more specific refutation.

Selects an option from a select dropdown.

Helper to submit a pre-filled form without clicking a button (see fill_in/3, select/3, choose/2, etc. for how to fill a form.)

Uncheck a checkbox.

Escape hatch to give users access to underlying "native" data structure.

Entrypoint to create a session.

Helpers to scope filling out form within a given selector. Use this if you have more than one form on a page with similar labels.


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assert_has(session, selector)

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Assert helper to ensure an element with given CSS selector is present.

It'll raise an error if no elements are found, but it will not raise if more than one matching element is found.

If you want to specify the content of the element, use assert_has/3.


# assert there's an h1
assert_has(session, "h1")

# assert there's an element with ID "user"
assert_has(session, "#user")
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assert_has(session, selector, opts)

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Assert helper to ensure an element with given CSS selector and options.

It'll raise an error if no elements are found, but it will not raise if more than one matching element is found.


  • text: the text filter to look for.

  • exact: by default assert_has/3 will perform a substring match (e.g. a =~ b). That makes it easier to assert text within HTML elements that also contain other HTML elements. But sometimes we want to assert the exact text is present. For that, use exact: true. (defaults to false)

  • count: the number of items you expect to match CSS selector (and text if provided)

  • at: the element to be asserted against


# assert there's an element with ID "user" and text "Aragorn"
assert_has(session, "#user", text: "Aragorn")
  # ^ succeeds if text found is "Aragorn" or "Aragorn, Son of Arathorn"

# assert there's an element with ID "user" and text "Aragorn"
assert_has(session, "#user", text: "Aragorn", exact: true)
  # ^ succeeds only if text found is "Aragorn". Fails if finds "Aragorn, Son of Arathorn"

# assert there are two elements with class "posts"
assert_has(session, ".posts", count: 2)

# assert there are two elements with class "posts" and text "Hello"
assert_has(session, ".posts", text: "Hello", count: 2)

# assert the second element in the list of ".posts" has text "Hello"
assert_has(session, ".posts", at: 2, text: "Hello")
Link to this function

assert_path(session, path)

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Assert helper to verify current request path. Takes an optional query_params map.

Note on Live Patch Implementation

Capturing the current path in live patches relies on message passing and could, therefore, be subject to intermittent failures. Please open an issue if you see intermittent failures when using assert_path with live patches so we can improve the implementation.


# assert we're at /users
|> visit("/users")
|> assert_path("/users")

# assert we're at /users?name=frodo
|> visit("/users")
|> assert_path("/users", query_params: %{name: "frodo"})
Link to this function

assert_path(session, path, opts)

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Same as assert_path/2 but takes an optional query_params map.

Check a checkbox.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-change attribute defined, check/2 will trigger the phx-change event.

This can be followed by a click_button/3 or submit/1 to submit the form.


Given we have a form that contains this:

<input type="hidden" name="admin" value="off" />
<label for="admin">Admin</label>
<input id="admin" type="checkbox" name="admin" value="on" />

We can check the "Admin" option:

|> check("Admin")

Choose a radio button option.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-change attribute defined, choose/3 will trigger the phx-change event.

This can be followed by a click_button/3 or submit/1 to submit the form.


Given we have a form that contains this:

<input type="radio" id="email" name="contact" value="email" />
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="radio" id="phone" name="contact" value="phone" />
<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<input type="radio" id="mail" name="contact" value="mail" checked />
<label for="mail">Mail</label>

We can choose to be contacted by email:

|> choose("Email")
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click_button(session, text)

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Perfoms action defined by button (and based on attributes present).

This can be used in a number of ways.

Button with phx-click

If the button has a phx-click on it, it'll send the event to the LiveView.


<button phx-click="save">Save</button>
|> click_button("Save") # <- will send "save" event to LiveView

Button relying on Phoenix.HTML.js

If the button acts as a form via Phoenix.HTML's data-method, data-to, and data-csrf, this will emulate Phoenix.HTML.js and submit the form via data attributes.

But note that this doesn't guarantee the JavaScript that handles form submissions via data attributes is loaded. The test emulates the behavior but you must make sure the JavaScript is loaded.

For more on that, see


<button data-method="delete" data-to="/users/2" data-csrf="token">Delete</button>
|> click_button("Delete") # <- will submit form like Phoenix.HTML.js does

Combined with fill_in/3, select/3, etc.

This function can be preceded by filling out a form.


|> fill_in("Name", name: "Aragorn")
|> check("Human")
|> click_button("Create")

Submitting default data

By default, using click_button/2 will submit the form it's part of (so long as it has a phx-click, data-* attrs, or an action).

It will also include any hidden inputs and default data (e.g. inputs with a value set and the button's name and value if present).


<form method="post" action="/users/2">
  <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="true"/>
  <button name="complete" value="true">Complete</button>
|> click_button("Complete")
# ^ includes `%{"admin" => "true", "complete" => "true"}` in payload

Single-button forms

click_button/2 is smart enough to use a hidden input's value with name=_method as the method to send (e.g. when we want to send delete, put, or patch)

That means, it is helpful to submit single-button forms.


<form method="post" action="/users/2">
  <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" />
|> click_button("Delete") # <- Triggers full form delete.
Link to this function

click_button(session, selector, text)

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Performs action defined by button with CSS selector and text.

See click_button/2 for more details.

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click_link(session, text)

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Clicks a link with given text and performs the action.

Here's how it handles different types of a tags:

  • With href: follows it to the next page
  • With phx-click: it'll send the event to the appropriate LiveView
  • With live redirect: it'll follow the live navigation to the next LiveView
  • With live patch: it'll patch the current LiveView


<.link href="/page/2">Page 2</.link>
<.link phx-click="next-page">Next Page</.link>
<.link navigate="next-liveview">Next LiveView</.link>
<.link patch="page/details">Page Details</.link>
|> click_link("Page 2") # <- follows to next page

|> click_link("Next Page") # <- sends "next-page" event to LiveView

|> click_link("Next LiveView") # <- follows to next LiveView

|> click_link("Page Details") # <- applies live patch

Submitting forms

Phoenix allows for submitting forms on links via Phoenix.HTML's data-method, data-to, and data-csrf.

We can use click_link to emulate Phoenix.HTML.js and submit the form via data attributes.

But note that this doesn't guarantee the JavaScript that handles form submissions via data attributes is loaded. The test emulates the behavior but you must make sure the JavaScript is loaded.

For more on that, see


<a href="/users/2" data-method="delete" data-to="/users/2" data-csrf="token">
|> click_link("Delete") # <- will submit form like Phoenix.HTML.js does
Link to this function

click_link(session, selector, text)

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Clicks a link with given CSS selector and text and performs the action. selector to target the link.

See click_link/2 for more details.

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fill_in(session, label, attrs)

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Fills text inputs and textareas, targetting the elements by their labels.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-change attribute defined, fill_in/3 will trigger the phx-change event.

This can be followed by a click_button/3 or submit/1 to submit the form.


Given we have a form that contains this:

<label for="name">Name</label>
<input id="name" name="name"/>

or this:

  <input name="name"/>

We can fill in the name field:

|> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")

Open the default browser to display current HTML of session.


|> visit("/")
|> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
|> open_browser()
|> submit()
Link to this function

refute_has(session, selector)

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Opposite of assert_has/2 helper. Verifies that element with given CSS selector is not present.

It'll raise an error if any elements that match selector are found.

If you want to specify the content of the element, use refute_has/3.


# refute there's an h1
refute_has(session, "h1")

# refute there's an element with ID "user"
refute_has(session, "#user")
Link to this function

refute_has(session, selector, opts)

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Opposite of assert_has/3 helper. Verifies that element with given CSS selector and text is not present.

It'll raise an error if any elements that match selector and options.


  • text: the text filter to look for.

  • exact: by default refute_has/3 will perform a substring match (e.g. a =~ b). That makes it easier to refute text within HTML elements that also contain other HTML elements. But sometimes we want to refute the exact text is absent. For that, use exact: true.

  • count: the number of items you're expecting should not match the CSS selector (and text if provided)

  • at: the element to be refuted against


# refute there's an element with ID "user" and text "Aragorn"
refute_has(session, "#user", text: "Aragorn")

# refute there's an element with ID "user" and exact text "Aragorn"
refute_has(session, "#user", text: "Aragorn", exact: true)

# refute there are two elements with class "posts" (less or more will not raise)
refute_has(session, ".posts", count: 2)

# refute there are two elements with class "posts" and text "Hello"
refute_has(session, ".posts", text: "Hello", count: 2)

# refute the second element with class "posts" has text "Hello"
refute_has(session, ".posts", at: 2, text: "Hello")
Link to this function

refute_path(session, path)

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Verifies current request path is NOT the one provided. Takes an optional query_params map for more specificity.

Note on Live Patch Implementation

Capturing the current path in live patches relies on message passing and could, therefore, be subject to intermittent failures. Please open an issue if you see intermittent failures when using refute_path with live patches so we can improve the implementation.


# refute we're at /posts
|> visit("/users")
|> refute_path("/posts")

# refute we're at /users?name=frodo
|> visit("/users?name=aragorn")
|> refute_path("/users", query_params: %{name: "frodo"})
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refute_path(session, path, opts)

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Same as refute_path/2 but takes an optional query_params for more specific refutation.

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select(session, option, attrs)

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Selects an option from a select dropdown.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-change attribute defined, select/3 will trigger the phx-change event.

This can be followed by a click_button/3 or submit/1 to submit the form.


Given we have a form that contains this:

<label for="race">Race</label>
<select id="race" name="race">
  <option value="human">Human</option>
  <option value="elf">Elf</option>
  <option value="dwarf">Dwarf</option>
  <option value="orc">Orc</option>

We can select an option:

|> select("Human", from: "Race")

Helper to submit a pre-filled form without clicking a button (see fill_in/3, select/3, choose/2, etc. for how to fill a form.)

Forms are typically submitted by clicking buttons. But sometimes we want to emulate what happens when we submit a form hitting <Enter>. That's what this helper does.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-submit attribute defined, submit/1 will trigger the phx-submit event. Otherwise, it'll submit the form regularly.

If the form has a submit button with a name and value, submit/1 will also include that data in the payload.


|> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
|> select("Human", from: "Race")
|> choose("Email")
|> submit()

Uncheck a checkbox.

If the form is a LiveView form, and if the form has a phx-change attribute defined, uncheck/2 will trigger the phx-change event.

This can be followed by a click_button/3 or submit/1 to submit the form.


Given we have a form that contains this:

<input type="hidden" name="admin" value="off" />
<label for="admin">Admin</label>
<input id="admin" type="checkbox" name="admin" value="on" />

We can uncheck the "Admin" option:

|> uncheck("Admin")

Note that unchecking a checkbox in HTML doesn't actually send any data to the server. That's why we have to have a hidden input with the default value (in the example above: admin="off").

Escape hatch to give users access to underlying "native" data structure.

Once the unwrapped actions are performed, PhoenixTest will handle redirects (if any).

  • In LiveView tests, unwrap/2 will pass the view that comes from Phoenix.LiveViewTest live/2. Your action must return the result of a render_* LiveViewTest action.

  • In non-LiveView tests, unwrap/2 will pass the conn struct. And your action must return a conn struct.


# in a LiveView
|> unwrap(fn view ->
  |> LiveViewTest.element("#hook")
  |> LiveViewTest.render_hook(:hook_event, %{name: "Legolas"})
# in a non-LiveView
|> unwrap(fn conn ->
  |> Phoenix.ConnTest.recycle()

Entrypoint to create a session.

visit/2 takes a Plug.Conn struct and the path to visit.

It returns a session which the rest of the PhoenixTest functions can use.

Note that visit/2 is smart enough to know if the page you're visiting is a LiveView or a static view. You don't need to worry about which type of page you're visiting.

Link to this function

within(session, selector, fun)

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Helpers to scope filling out form within a given selector. Use this if you have more than one form on a page with similar labels.


Given we have some HTML like this:

<form id="user-form" action="/users" method="post">
  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input id="name" name="name"/>

  <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="off" />
  <label for="admin">Admin</label>
  <input id="admin" type="checkbox" name="admin" value="on" />

# and assume another form with "Name" and "Admin" labels

We can fill the form like this:

|> within("#user-form", fn session ->
  |> fill_in("Name", with: "Aragorn")
  |> check("Admin")