Stores the session in an in-memory ETS table.
A created ETS table is required for this store to work.
This store does not create the ETS table, it is expected that an existing named table is given as argument with public properties.
- ETS table name (required);
# Create table during application start, [:named_table, :public, read_concurrency: true])
# Use the session plug with the table name
plug Plug.Session, store: :ets, key: "sid", table: :session
delete(conn, sid, table) | Callback implementation of |
get(conn, sid, table) | Callback implementation of |
init(opts) | Callback implementation of |
put(conn, sid, data, table) | Callback implementation of |
Callback implementation of Plug.Session.Store.delete/3
Callback implementation of Plug.Session.Store.get/3
Callback implementation of Plug.Session.Store.init/1
Callback implementation of Plug.Session.Store.put/4