View Source Pluggable.Token protocol (pluggable v1.0.1)

Token protocol to be used with the Pluggable and Pluggable.Builder modules.

When implementing pipelines using this library, a token holds the state and is passed on from step to step within the pipeline.


Deriving Pluggable.Token

The simplest way to use this library is to define a token module which derives Pluggable.Token and defines a struct which, among others defines the keys:

  • :halted - the boolean status on whether the pipeline was halted
  • :assigns - shared user data as a map


defmodule MyPipeline.Token do
  @derive Pluggable.Token
  defstruct [
    halted: false,
    assigns: %{},
    # other state

If the fields holding these two states are named differently, pass the fields as options to @derive:

defmodule MyPipeline.Token do
  @derive {Pluggable.Token, halted_key: :stopped, assigns_key: :shared_state}
  defstruct [
    stopped: false,
    shared_state: %{},
    # other state


Implementing Pluggable.Token

Pluggable.Token can be implemented. The following is the default implementation when deriving Pluggable.Token

defmodule MyPipeline.Token do
  defstruct [
    halted: nil,
    assigns: %{},
    # other state

defimpl Pluggable.Token, for: MyPipeline.Token do
  def halted?(token), do: token.halted

  def halt(token), do: %{token | halted: true}

  def assign(%MyPipeline.Token{assigns: assigns} = token, key, value) when is_atom(key) do
    %{token | assigns: Map.put(assigns, key, value)}

Link to this section Summary


Assigns a value to a key in the shared user data map.

Halts the Pluggable pipeline by preventing further steps downstream from being invoked. See the docs for Pluggable.Builder for more information on halting a Pluggable pipeline.

Returns the boolean status on whether the pipeline was halted

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

assign(token, key, value)

View Source
@spec assign(t(), atom(), term()) :: t()

Assigns a value to a key in the shared user data map.

@spec halt(t()) :: t()

Halts the Pluggable pipeline by preventing further steps downstream from being invoked. See the docs for Pluggable.Builder for more information on halting a Pluggable pipeline.

@spec halted?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns the boolean status on whether the pipeline was halted