View Source Migration from poolboy

If you are using :poolboy and want to use Poolex instead, then you need to follow three simple steps.

Installation steps

I. Install the Poolex dependency


defp deps do
-    {:poolboy, "~> 1.5.0"}
+    {:poolex, "~> 0.9.0"}

Install it.

mix deps.get

Well, you can also clean up installed dependencies locally and remove them from the lock file.

mix deps.clean --unlock --unused

II. Update child specs

Your Application or Supervisor file

def init(_args) do
  children = [
-    :poolboy.child_spec(:some_pool,
-      name: {:local, :some_pool},
-      worker_module: MyApp.SomeWorker,
-      size: 100,
-      max_overflow: 50
-    )
+    {Poolex,
+      pool_id: :some_pool,
+      worker_module: MyApp.SomeWorker,
+      workers_count: 100,
+      max_overflow: 50}

  Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

III. Update call site

Use run/3. Be careful, unlike :poolboy.transaction, returns {:ok, result}.

-  :poolboy.transaction(
-    :some_pool,
-    fn pid -> some_function(pid) end,
-    :timer.seconds(10)
-  )
+    :some_pool,
+    fn pid -> some_function(pid) end,
+    checkout_timeout: :timer.seconds(10)
+  )